( fandom student application )
AGE: 23
CONTACT: AIM: terra2point0 PLURK:
terraminuitPERSONAL LJ:
NAME: Koharu Izaki
CANON: Shitsurakuen
Shitsurakuen @ WikipediaAGE: 16
ENROLLMENT Koharu was initially sponsored by a teacher at her Utopia Academy, but gained an art/fashion scholarship after entry.
[Note: Her personality here differs from that seen in the later chapters of canon as she comes to Reims before Sora arrived at her academy. As such the major catalysts to let her stand up to men haven't yet appeared. In canon, this would be comparable to the first chapter of canon]
Koharu embodies many of the so-called 'princess' ideals. She's pretty, kind-hearted, mothering, self-sacrificing, somewhat servile and a fairly good cook. While she doesn't trust easily persay, she trusts completely. Trust, however fragile, leads to friendship. She tends to trust those who can protect her in some measure. She's clearly the type of girl who is destined to be a follower, not a leader.
Koharu's one true fear is men and their power. After the way men treated her at her last academy, she is scared of other's power. She is subservient as can be around strong men, content to let them order her around, but jumping for the first chance to get away. It's a delicate balance between those who have somehow convinced her they aren't going to abuse her and those who are still an unknown quantity. Koharu is scared of boys who would control her or abuse her, but her quiet nonconfrontational personality makes it impossible to stand up to them. Girls however are easier to flock to. She mothers other girls, especially those younger than her. She likes to take care of them, give advice and gently chide them if they're wrong. Older girls tend to mentor figures and she's more easily drawn to stronger girls. She admires their fierceness, the way they can stand up for themselves without worrying. Others' ability to cut through others, to slap sense into them inspires a little envy. She often wishes she could be more assertive but it's just not in her nature.
Once she trusts people, she makes friends fairly easily, looking for their good points. She can even be completely blind to the faults, preferring the idealized image. If a friend was putting up a smiling happy front, Koharu would accept it completely. She forgives easily, preferring to trust others as allies. It's easier to forgive and push things to the past, as she generally loathes confrontations and harsh words.
Flirtations in general would be met with complete stammering blushes and she'd just try to change the subject. Even if she daydreams of rather naughty fantasies in her spare time, she's not sure how to take real life flirting. Her complete naivety with real relationships shows and she'd either pretend she didn't hear it or pretends to misunderstand it.
COMPUTER APTITUDE: Average. She knows how to work the filters on posts, but nothing more.
WEAKNESSES (OPTIONAL): Koharu is horrible at math and her knowledge of history outside of Japan is minimal at best. She folds at the slightest provacation and has a terrible time standing up for herself.
Koharu was born to a single mother in Japan on, the result of an one night stand with a man her mother never saw again. She lived tucked into a small bedroom in her grandparents house near the coast, under their care for much of the time. Her mother worked late hours but whenever she had a day off, she spent it with Koharu and her grandmother in the kitchen, baking up treats and gossiping. Koharu learned from a young age how to bake, make her own bento, sew basic clothing, and make hair ornaments from shells she found on the beaches. Her life until she turned thirteen was spent quite happily among her family. Despite their relatively low finances they made the best of things.
When she turned thirteen, her grandfather offered to pay her tuition to a prestigious boarding school. Despite her apprehension, she accepted his gift, unquestioning of where the money came from to send her there. She learned later that another man had been paying her tuition, not her grandfather, but he had not wanted her to know he was accepting such charity on her behalf.
After bidding farewell to her family, Koharu settled into her new dormitory at Utopia Academy. At first, nothing seemed amiss and she actually went through her first year at Utopia blissfully unaware of the underlying truth. When she came back from a break after her 14th birthday, she had blossomed. Her hair was grown out and her chest and curves were starting to mature. Then she became aware why some of the girls here looked so sad.
A boy casually groped her in the hallway. Another leered at her, but none of this was enough to make her do more than put her head down and brush it off. Men are men right, she thought. Her opinion changed when she was cornered in the hall and offered freedom from the many gazes if she became the property of the Student Council. She wasn't precisely aware of what the entailed and so she accepted gladly. It became apparent however that her being property of the council meant she had to wear short maid outfits and bow to their every whim. She was the particular property of a few men in particular and was sexually harassed if not out right assaulted by them in return for the rest of the school leaving her alone.
Her happy demeanor vanished. She kept her head down in class and didn't speak of what happened and what she traded for her relative freedom out of shame. Her family worried when she came home for breaks, but she didn't speak of it, keeping up a smiling face instead.
After the summer semester of her 15th year, a teacher pulled her aside and told Koharu that she was supporting Koharu's tuition at a school in Europe if Koharu would go. It was out of the blue but after talking to her mother and seeing the chance to get away from this nightmare, she accepted.
Her first semester at Reims was uneventful. She kept her head down, did her studies and relished what freedoms it provided her. She didn't talk to many people her first semester but she hopes to make a few more friends as she enters her second semester.
Done at TestDrive Meme LOG/3RD PERSON SAMPLE
With Sanji and