My first LJ Art Show! Comments are encouraged and appreciated!
One of my earliest works xD
This is when I convinced myself that I could actually pull off drawing anime
Wolf's Rain drawing inspired by a song from the show
"Suicide is rain in pain." Lain was SUCH a creepy anime
I wanna name my daughter Robin D:
Horrrrible coloring, but I personally like it. And Blue was my favorite wolf from Wolf's Rain
Die! My first actual decent realistic portrait!
Kyo came after
Gackt!! <3
I'm actually pretty proud on the coloring job I did, just the picture itself isn't so pretty
Unfinished. I was totally unsatisfied to where it was going
Testing out colors
I drew this when I went to Nicaragua the summer of 2006. It has some unwanted memories attached to it. All I can say is that I was really stupid.
TM Revolution! I like how the coloring turned out
Yura and Aya of PLC, i enjoyed this one a lot! I used LOTS of different mediums. Water color, color pencil, marker, and fabric paint
Daisuke of Kagerou
An unfinished Mana
Shinya! I screwed up his eye, but I like everything else
The first and LAST attempt of drawing a person in real life, and by force. That WAS suppose to be Hany that I drew back in 7th grade, but she turned out somewhat asian. And God knows I'll never have another opportunity to draw her again because she hates my guts :D
Mana-sama! <3
I <3 hands.
Gundam Seed! This was my first time drawing ANYTHING with robots *points at the Mobile Suit Gundam*
Unfinished Miyavi drawing
Kyo. Water color, marker, and color pencil
Unfinished Ville Valo of HIM ;-;
One of my actual fully original works
Another unfinished doodle. And she's patriotic and anorexic. Behold, America! The non-obese half.
flowersss (done for 8th Grade Art Class)
This was supposed to be something about Hurricane Katrina. Apparently this was too "morbid". (done for 8th Grade Art Class)
Mika Nakashima!
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (done for 8th Grade Art Class)
Random doodle
Drawing of a Giacometti sculpture, I really really dislike his work :/ (done for 8th Grade Art Class)
Contouring hands, we WERE supposed to draw 5, but I only did two D: (done for 8th Grade Art Class)
M.C. Escher eye! (done for 8th Grade Art Class)
A jacked up "Britto" style self-portrait. I really like this one, ya know, for being one of my own works done in more modern styles (done for 8th Grade Art Class)
"Britto" style owl (done for 8th Grade Art Class)
My last attempt in trying to draw that pic x_x
I wish I could've colored it. (8th grade art class)
If I were ever able to start a clothes line...
she'd be my model lol
Some character there from The Tarot Cafe
My Shojo Beat girl that I couldn't enter into the contest because I was underage and she was just basically incredibly disproportional
And this just because of the already nostalgic feelings that were welling in me as I was exploring my sketchbooks
For higher quality scans of some of the work featured here, I'll direct you to my
DeviantArt Gallery.