Dec 22, 2004 19:34

OKAY Y'ALL Party time is OVER you can all go home and talk about how SUCKY the party was... jk it was cool. Thanks a lot for comming everybody and thanks a lot for the gifts! Although I'm not officially 18... I will be in two days so I'm totally excited. I'm going to inherit some money from my grandma god bless her soul I wish she could see ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

prettychicky December 22 2004, 20:25:30 UTC
its Alessandra Ambrosio. if youre gonna be in love with her, you might as well learn how to spell her name first.


WHOOPSIES! mofojungle December 22 2004, 20:32:31 UTC
I'm sorry folks! What a dingleberry ( ... )


Re: WHOOPSIES! prettychicky December 22 2004, 20:35:51 UTC

wait.. so you ARE online.. youre just not talking to me.



itsmillertime86 December 22 2004, 20:51:34 UTC
ohhhhhhhhh YOUR GOING DOWN!!..what about black celebration?!


prettychicky December 22 2004, 23:16:18 UTC
whats black celebration? whose going down?


ohhhhh YOUR GOING DOWN mofojungle December 23 2004, 21:57:04 UTC
Okay... then David Bowie is my CHRISTMAS present... sorry... this way it means that we got eachother the same presents for christmas... and not you giving me the same thing for my bday! hows that sound?


Re: ohhhhh YOUR GOING DOWN prettychicky December 24 2004, 16:13:04 UTC
Hi! Happy birthday! muah! ♥


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