Title: Kurt and Frankenteen Fancomic :Part Three (finally)
Spoilers: All episodes to be safe.
Warnings: Kidnap, Image heavy, melodrama and bad handwriting.
Rating: PG
Summary: Superhero AU. Finn is a superhero in training, Kurt is supervillain Sue Sylvester's star pupil. The rules say they can't be together, but Kurt is determined to prove otherwise
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Comments 4
Liking the kidnap at the moment eh?
Love the style of the kidnap ransom note thing, looks epic.
Also, naww at little Quinn and Kurt!
And yes, I am writing a lot of kidnap, aren't I? Oh dear. Probably doesn't help that in my crossover....well, Kurt is sort of kidnapped. Again.
But that note took forever. And Photoshop hs some strange fonts.
Haha, Kurt-is-kidnapped weakness there? :P
Well, it was worth it, looks great.
Thanks (:
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