Title: Colours (Part Three)
Author: mogamus_ii
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Spoilers: Up to Furt (AU from there on)
Warnings: AU (telepathic!Kurt). I started this a while ago, and assumed that Kurt was living at Dalton.
Summary: Crossover with Doctor Who. A strange man tries to stop Kurt going to Dalton. The Warblers are not what they seem. Finn is
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Comments 8
I can't wait for the next chapter!
P.S. (does that count?) I just realized I forgot to comment last chapter >.>
I was really quite nervous about writing Eleven and Amy, I've never written them before. I am really glad you're enjoying it.
I love the way you write The Doctor; I can totally hear his voice in my head when I read his lines! And I love the suspense, even though I'm a horribly impatient person and just want to know what happens next :)
Glad I have more to read. :)
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