This one requires me to think of 10 things that I've done, but you lot probably haven't. God help me XD
1. Talked my mother through gay sex and its variations.
2. Fallen asleep on a teacher's shoulder.
3. Explained to a concerned "friend" at school that I'm not speaking in religious tongues, I'm just ranting in half-fake, half-real Korean.
4. Been to France and been dubbed your school football team's official French-English translator.
5. Tried to drink tea from my mug, only to discover i still have a teabag in my mug.
6. Encouraged my mother to scream bloody murder at me.
7. Been to Wolverhampton.
8. Had dinner with a representative of Her Majesty the Queen.
9. Met the prime minister unknowingly.
10. Fallen down an upwards escalator.
That last one was brilliant, apparently. Must remember to beg Yuki for the pictures XD