Just cleaning old pictures out of my cellphone, thought I might upload a few.
First one needs a little bit of backstory. The waste-handlers at work each have a small grooved strip of metal called a No-Go Gauge. They use it to make sure the empty road casks are tied down properly before they send the trailers back to the generator sites. Anyway, one day underground somebody brought a can of Ghetto Value Spaghetti & Meatballs for lunch but forgot to bring a can opener. Note the dented side; at one point he tried smashing the can against a table to try and break it open. Finally he gave up and used his No-Go Gauge to puncture the top of the can and rip it open.
This is my niece Caetlin, taken sometime around Christmas. She's 13 and just as cheerful as her uncle.
This is my niece Amber, all dressed up for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. We all had a great time.
I was walking from the San Antonio riverwalk back to the hotel when I passed the San Fernando Cathedral. The Christmas lights were all lit up, but unfortunately I'd left my camera back in the hotel so I had to use my cellphone.
We went to Taos last weekend. Friday night I had pumpkin cheesecake and a glass of 20-year old port at the Adobe Bar. There was also a blues band playing out in the restaurant area.