Picspam: The 15 Reasons To Accept that D-Wars is the best movie EVER.

Mar 11, 2009 13:03

Ok hold the phone, you're saying. First off what is D-Wars? Why haven't I ever heard of it? Isn't that the dude from Roswell? Why is he wearing bling? Is that a dino with a rocket launcher? How is this the best movie ever ( Read more... )

d-wars, movies, bad movies are my kryptonite, picspam

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Comments 97

goddesspharo March 11 2009, 20:30:27 UTC
Oh God, Jason Behr! The Farrah hair! The pornmaker camera! I WENT A LITTLE BLIND THERE.

Is Dragon Girl's BFF's BF that Humphreyesque kid who they brought in two episodes of Dawson's Creek simply for the sake of spinning it off into Young Americans? I forget the guy's name now (Ridley? Riley? RuPaul?), but I think he was the main guy who was on scholarship.

Scientist Dude is TOTALLY Donnie Darko's daddy!

It seems to me like this movie can be summed up with a simple: DID YOUR CRACK ADDICTION GET SO SEVERE, JASON BEHR, THAT YOU HAD TO MAKE THIS MOVIE TO FOOT THE BILL?


mojotastic March 11 2009, 20:51:38 UTC
I KNOW! The hair is definitly the worst part. Although the mustard blazer is not helping the Farrah-ness.

Is Dragon Girl's BFF's BF that Humphreyesque kid who they brought in two episodes of Dawson's Creek simply for the sake of spinning it off into Young Americans?
I have no idea, I never really watched Dawson's Creek. But if so that's a really sad commentary on where that dude's career went after the show.

It seems to me like this movie can be summed up with a simple: DID YOUR CRACK ADDICTION GET SO SEVERE, JASON BEHR, THAT YOU HAD TO MAKE THIS MOVIE TO FOOT THE BILL?
That is honestly the best way to sum this movie up. Jason Behr must have needed some crack pretty bad and been all out of ponies to sell. THUS D-WARS!


sugah66 March 11 2009, 20:57:23 UTC
Is Dragon Girl's BFF's BF that Humphreyesque kid who they brought in two episodes of Dawson's Creek simply for the sake of spinning it off into Young Americans? I forget the guy's name now (Ridley? Riley? RuPaul?), but I think he was the main guy who was on scholarship.

Rodney Scott. It's not him, but it does really look like him (and I had to IMDb him just to be sure).


goddesspharo March 11 2009, 21:07:00 UTC
Thank goodness for him then! But having a doppelganger who goes around making crappy movies can't be a good thing.


thedreamygirl March 11 2009, 20:38:07 UTC
Oh my God! I had never even heard of this before but this is clearly one of the craziest things ever made, WHERE HAS IT BEEN ALL MY LIFE??? I have to find it NOW!


mojotastic March 11 2009, 20:42:02 UTC
That was literally my exact reaction after watching it. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOR THE BETTER!

Seriously though. Apparently it was even in theatres? I do not remember this though. In fact I would have never even heard of it if it wasn't for my friend having seen it and knowing that I would appreciate Jason Behr's 70s porn hair.


scarletumbrella March 11 2009, 20:50:27 UTC
*wipes tears from eyes* Man am I glad I clicked the link out of curiosity. This has made my entire otherwise boring day worthwhile. I haven't laughed that hard at work in some time. Brava! XD


mojotastic March 11 2009, 21:44:19 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! D-Wars is truly made entirely out of epic lulz. Bad fashion and epic lulz.


sugarskyhigh July 1 2009, 18:04:01 UTC
UHM, is that a Rain icon? Idk.. from FULL HOUSE, the best kdrama EVER? <3333

Well, there also is kim sam soon, but so not the point. ;)


mojotastic July 1 2009, 18:33:29 UTC
OF COURSE IT IS. Rain's ~fashion~ choices in Full House made Domyouji's fashion look conservative. OMG THE NEON GREEN V-NECK IS STILL BURNED INTO MY MINNNNDDDD.

Seriously though, Full House really is the best k-drama evar. Although I haven't seen Kim Sam Soon or Coffee Prince, both of which I've heard are really good. But Full House was my first asian drama ever so it'll always hold a special place in my heart.


bluediamond421 March 11 2009, 20:52:36 UTC
what thedreamygirl said. except I do not want to watch it. I just want to read your recap again. Later when I have stopped laughing so hard.


mojotastic March 11 2009, 21:45:50 UTC
:p Thanks! This movie is just so ~epic~ and ~meaningful~. Are you sure you don't want to watch? It will change your life bb! You will never look at dinos without rocket launchers the same way again!


sugah66 March 11 2009, 20:55:00 UTC
This is, without a doubt, the funniest picspam I have ever seen in my entire life. No lie. I laughed so hard while reading your commentary that I think I may have lost brain cells, and my neighbors probably think I'm high which actually wouldn't be that out of place in my building. I need to find this movie NOW RIGHT NOW.


mojotastic March 11 2009, 21:48:43 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked the epic lulz that is D-WARS! (Seriously though. There is *one* dragon in ALL of D-WARS? I DON'T UNDERSTAND!)

and my neighbors probably think I'm high which actually wouldn't be that out of place in my building.
Well at least you would be in good company, as I'm fairly sure everyone that made D-Wars were pretty high too.

I need to find this movie NOW RIGHT NOW.
RUN, don't walk to go rent D-Wars. Your life will never be the same. Thank me later. :P


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