So this is pretty sad, I was going through technology withdrawl. As in hands shaking because I hadn't touched a keyboard for a week. This is quite sad.
Or, taking it with the LJ theory, tis the withdrawl symptoms! Quick, get me an LJ-Patch. Oh well, an LJ-Cut will have to do.
So yeah, I'm in Sapporo, Japan now for a few days, and then I'm back in the States. Fun stuff. So. Japan = nice place, except politically and economically its sort of a wreck. However! Problems!
- Alright, on the escalator, differ to the right or differ to the left? People in the east lean to the right, people in the west differ to the left. Hiroshima, being near the middle, was madness, because half the people leant to the right, the other half to the left, which made walking up impossible
- OMG DRIVING ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ROAD. I keep looking right, then left when crossing the street, which is the exact opposite of what you have to do, which means my family is like HAHA YOU LOOKED THE WRONG WAY OMG YOU'RE GOING TO GET RUN OVER GAAAAAAH
- This hotel hearts technology! They provide a specialized dial-up connection in each room! By which I mean, you get a phone jack, and then have to connect to your own ISP. So it's more like, look, we give you a phone line, enjoy it. Which is a problem, because of this whole broadband thing. And the wireless network is only on the second floor (where I am right now).
Image change!
- So the whole, moki has long hair thing? And the whole moki hadn't shaved in a week thing? And the moki accidently brought his oldest clothes (read as 6th grade, hey, they still fit) to Japan thing. Yeah, so here I am, walking around a Japanese shopping center, in my longer-than-usual hair and shabby looking clothes (covered in pen stains), apparently made my look like a high school dropout (my mom claims that I looked like a day laborer). So yeah, it was great for getting around, because all the families would get out of my way. I'd come over to an aisle, and they'd all leave. Teh High School Dropout no POWER!
- So on my mom's side, my grandparents and my family were supposed to meet at a department store. So at the designated time, my family showed up at the store, and went a looking for my grandparents. So running around, I saw my grandfather a few aisles away, so I waved. He turned around, looked at me, then turned away, apparently thinking i was some one else. (Note: his wife is the grandmother who I called to talk to about Cornell and she thought I was a con artist)
- Clothes shopping in Japan is almost as mind-numbingly boring as it is in America. So it's like, UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH, instead of AUGGGGGGH. And my paternal grandparents would flip out if they saw me as a day laborer. So my mom is like, go buy some clothes. So I waste an hour or something. And then its like, your shoes are a wreck (been wearing the same pair daily for ~2 years). And then cut hair. Apparently my hair had become longer than my mother's in the back. So yeah, I now have strangely short hair again.
Look, I managed to waste your time as usual! Teh victory of teh internet!
I'm sorry, I happen to be on tea-induced caffiene high. Oh well. More later.