Duuuuuuude. So surreal. Moved in this morning.
7262 Low Rise #7
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
mb434 (at) cornell (dot) edu
Cell #: (703)627-2324 (Because ResPhone is freakin expensive, though the lack of Cingular service on North Campus is making me reconsider...)
So I'm serious trouble with the freshman 15. Way too much to eat at RPCC. Though whats nice is that they have rice.
ResNet. It fills one with anger and hate! Though internal network download speeds can go up to 2MB/sec. But apparently the wireless network is free, I just need to walk about five minutes down the street to access it. Discussion with CIT:
"Sweetness. So I can be free of the 2GB/month limit?"
"Well, don't try to download the entire Lord of the Rings DVDs. It's pretty slow for that."
"Linux Distros...?"
D*** Small Linux, here I come. 50MB total installation? Why, excellent.
So my suitemates are: one football/soccer player, one football player, a guy who had hip surgery because he tried to jump a fence, one anime-lover j-rock lover, one quiet guy, and two people I have yet to meet formally. More hip hop music than driving down Route 50. This... should be interesting.
Swim test done, long RA meeting done, OL meeting done. Fun fun fun. And next week? One Vision, Many Voices, a program in diversity. And summer reading sessions on African lit. Looks like the TJ political correctness followed me here.
Two pieces of advice for people, don't forget a letter opener and scissors. Believe me, not having them really stinks when you get bank forms.