Title: Distance Author: Moko
Pairing: Ohmiya, Yama, slight Aimiya
Rating: R
Genre: AU, drama, romance...
Disclaimer: The story comes from my brain...?
Beta-ed by
bluemonstar ! Love you dear ♥!
Summary: When Ohno has to get married, his long relationship with Nino comes to an end against his wish. But 3 years later, Nino suddenly
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Comments 69
I kind of guessed that Sho already knew Oh chan had an affair..
Why did you have to make sho chan so sweet in thsi fiction?
And I also love how you inserted Yama's sweet NC-17 scene;)
Poor Kazu, but I guess it has to end like this for everyone's goodness..
Thank you so much for writing this.. and glad to hear you already cooking up new ideas to write again.. I'll be looking forward..
You're such a good writer you know^^
Thanks a lot ^^ For reading and saying I'm a good writer, that kind of thing really touch me, you know ♥♥♥
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I think it's normal for Oh-chan to be hesitating... Or not hesitating, more like... Wondering how his life would be like if he had chosen Nino, don't you think? And I'm sure Nino wonders about that too =D
Thanks a lot, as always! ♥♥♥
to be honest I thought that you chose Ohmiya but no ;d ,
Yama is really cute together
and Sho really show that he loves Ohno so much, even with his mistakes from past , really happy family, Cute Hiromi ;DDDD
and Ohno doubts at the end, somehow I understand him , he really loves Nino and Nino him , so ;d
Great story like always I said that I LOVE THIS ♥♥♥
actualy I love all your stories so please bring new story ;DDDDD
Thanks a lot ♥♥♥
please continue writing! ^_^ i loved lost soul and i enjoyed distance as well. so if you don't mind, share the fic you are working on in your head with us too, onegaishimasu!
finally, thank you! for sharing this fic and the ones before this. perhaps you don't think about the effect you have on the readers as you write... but i just want to say, in behalf of everyone if i may, that all you writers touch us in ways you don't expect. because your works elicit genuine emotions from our hearts.
i am kind of emotional because of this ending ;) again, arigatou!
And of course I'll share something new ^^ Because I really can't stop writing, and peoples commenting on my fictions and telling me what they think about it make me so happy ^^
Thanks a lot ♥♥♥
J'aime cette fin, d'une certaine façon, mais en même temps c'est... douloureux parce qu'il n'y a pas vraiment de solutions... Il aime Sho mais il aimera toujours Nino mais en contre partie il a une fille magnifique ^^
D'ailleurs j’étais super étonnée que tu utilises Hiromi pour du Yama!! traitresse! lol
c'est censée être la fille de N'Ohno-chan et de Neen
Par contre ce chapitre confirme bien ta théorie: je ne supporte vraiment pas d'autres pairings que le Ohmiya!! XD
Bon j'arrête parce que tu vas croire que je n'ai pas aimé alors que c'est pas vrai ^^
Ah bah... Et moi qui pensait écrire du Juntoshi u_u *Non je rigole, ce sera juste un OS pour Yassou xD* Next fic is an Ohmiya one! =D
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