well i guess i'm going to make this a thing but lets see how long it lasts!! tumblr is great for posting images to reblog and stuff but sometimes i wanna get my gab on and maybe share Gentle TidBits of my Life
hi mokou!! this is my livejournal but don't look at the past entries I've had this thing for years...
everyone is jumping ship from LJ to dreamwidth because I guess LJ is terrible people and a terribly company that does terrible things? except im too lazy to switch because... I dont want to make a new layout and everything
HI ava!! uh yeah! that's why i made both... i actually prefer LJ for it's establishedness-ness.... and you don't have to pay for a custom mood theme and I HAVE THE CUTEST RAICHU ONE!!! but i'll see if this picks up... honestly it'd be pretty cool if people had art LJs or whatever cause i miss being able to have back and forth convos thru comments but i can see how tumblr is way easier
Comments 3
everyone is jumping ship from LJ to dreamwidth because I guess LJ is terrible people and a terribly company that does terrible things? except im too lazy to switch because... I dont want to make a new layout and everything
Gotta say tho... I've seen cooler lj layouts... won't say WHO THEY BELONG TO THOUGH that would b tackysacky
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