Invitations and Applications~

Oct 06, 2006 01:13

These letters are received by students and professors through various magical means, usually just showing up on their doorstep or pillow. After they read it and put it down, the letter disappears again. Mokona then shows up to transport them to the school as soon as they're packed and ready (or earlier, if they decide to ignore the letter or to otherwise not pack). He just knows like that. ♥

Moksa University

Greetings, __[insert name here]__!

You are receiving this letter because you have been chosen as
a candidate for the new experimental adult boarding school,
Moksa University. This school is the first of its kind,
and unlike anything you have experienced before. You will be
[enrolled as a first-year student/employed as a full time professor]
for a minimal period of four years, during which you will live
with [fellow students while pursuing your degree/fellow staff
and students while completing your term of employment]. This is
four years during which you will not see your home, so pack
carefully. ♥

At Moksa U, you will have access to more resources than exist
in one place anywhere else in the universe, and may choose to
be educated in whatever you desire. You will have free room and
board and meals, and our campus boasts several pubs and other
areas for socializing. If you arrive and decide the University
is not for you, you may appeal to the headmistress at any time
for acquittance. But keep in mind, a degree from Moksa University
is one that will serve you for the rest of your life, and in more
ways than one.

I'll see you on campus~

-- Headmistress Yuuko Ichihara ♥

List of taken characters can be found here. Maximum of 3 characters per player.

Player's Name and Journal:
Player's Contact: [e-mail if you have no AIM]
Other MU Character(s) and Previous Roleplaying Experience:
Character Name and Fandom:
Character Age: [students minimum of 18, 17 for rare genius exceptions][teachers minimum of 20]
Teacher or Student: [if teacher, include class being taught]
Character Background:
Sample Journal Post: [first person]

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