[OOC] Verses

Apr 29, 2014 16:43

General Notes: Pre-William Master will generally be found at this journal, as will post-William Simm!Master; Degreeverse's post-William Tennant!Master can be found at madbutnotill. Likewise, William's Ten can be found at beyourcure, and Tennant!Master's Simm!Eleven can be found at preferthesky. (Both Doctor journals are property of a different mun.)

A Matter of Degree: William's core verse. After some time on the TARDIS with the Master slowly driving the Doctor crazy, the Doctor snaps and forcibly fobwatches the Master; William Masters is the result. Human and crazy, William spends nearly a decade in the hospital before the Doctor decides it's not working. He returns the fobwatch to him and then leaves, and the Master returned.
While this verse is not nearly over at that point (further "adventures" are to be had with the Master tracking the Doctor down, the Master's leftover crazy-issues, and an eventual mutual regeneration into each other's forms), William's story is.

Hospitalverse: One day a new patient is checked into the hospital, a highly broken version of the Doctor's hand. William and Theta get along well, and when the Time Lord Theta travels with finds him to take him home, Theta asks William to come with them. And William does. This verse has the distinction of being William's only verse so far where the Doctor is not a large factor (and also the verse where we just pretend the verse clashes aren't there, since the man Theta travels with is an AU, amnesiac Time War-era Master).

Adorableverse: Somewhere around six years into his hospital stay, when in Degreeverse William takes a turn for the worse, in this verse he takes a turn for the better. While completely healthy is never in the cards, he slowly grows closer to stable, until finally they allow him release from the hospital. Since the Doctor refuses to leave him completely be, he ends up using the perception filter to hang around him unseen by others, and William is convinced he's a hallucination -- though one that keeps him taking his medication and helps him deal with the bad days, so one that he keeps to himself. William lives in a cottage (his couch has been claimed by the Doctor) and works as a handyman/fix-it man/occasional gardener, with a love for tinkering with things. It is, as the versename implies, adorable. All verses below branch off at some point in this verse.

Archangelversebranch: In Adorableverse, healthy or not, William doesn't live long enough to see Archangel launched. In this branch, he does. This is a very occasionally poked set of branches, wherein this inspires one of three issues:
*In Archangel 1, the mildest of the verses, it simply encourages a spike in the drums and a worsening of William's violent swings.
*In Archangel 2, it culminates in him slowly breaking down until he can no longer be on his own, returning to the hospital.
*In Archangel 3, the most poked of them, the Archangel signal draws the Master's mind back out. The Master's memory and personality return and rewrite William's own. (However, this does nothing to change the biology; and certain aspects of the Time Lord mind, such as his timesense, are lost to him so long as he remains human.)

Love is Stronger than Justice: A notable spin-off of the Archangelverses. In this verse, Archangel comes online and the Doctor admits that this is an unexpected problem. His solution is to take William away for the two years between Archangel going online and it getting disabled. And since either way, there's going to be a giant gap in his memory, instead of simply taking him from one point to another, the Doctor takes him off on a two-year-long trip around the cosmos. This goes better than you'd expect, all things considered, at least when William's able to forget that this mass hallucination is a terrible sign for his sanity.

Adventure is Just One Mistake Away: Also known as Time Lord verse. There is a pan-dimensional, sentient Inn that people sometimes find themselves stumbling into; both William and his Doctor end up there fairly often. Due to Inn hijinks one day, William finds himself a Time Lord again -- not the Master, as the fobwatch was not opened, but his own biology rewritten into a Time Lord's. Despite the drums remaining, William is far saner than his human self or the Master ever was. The Doctor explains what happened, at least roughly, and once William stops throwing things at him for his idiocy, the Doctor takes him to see the universe. Also, William and the Doctor's TARDIS in this verse are incredibly sweet.

Addictedverse: As with Adorableverse, this verse begins with the Doctor convincing William he's a hallucination; but when the Doctor decides to leave William alone, things go horribly wrong. William, in an effort to start seeing the Doctor again, stops taking his pills. The Doctor eventually returns to find him steadily getting worse. Worse than that, any time the Doctor leaves his presence, he assumes he's gone again; he will not take his pills without the Doctor there. Even with him back and never leaving William's side, he is far more broken than he has been in a long time, and dangerously reliant on the Doctor.
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