Sat, 14:39: RT @ ChmclChameleon: @ Zhane_Star If I had a nickel for every time James Mardsen was driving a car while talking to a 4 foot tall CGI animal,…
Thu, 22:38: We sleepy in the household tonight. (Also my brain is fucked after sight reading some of the hardest music I’ve ever played. Yikes)
Thu, 23:28: RT @ SickosCommittee: Shoutout to the Montana State pep band who brought a FRIGGIN BASS SAX. Case is big enough to store several freshmen.…
Thu, 21:44: Me, as an adult, playing band music that was harder than any HS pieces I’ve done for clinicians like the good ol days
Fri, 08:58: RT @ SickosCommittee: Do school-aged Michiganders have to recite their state flag pledge at school every day like Texans do? Because I’d be…