Current Obsessions.

Feb 08, 2011 22:43

1. Vampire Diaries. It started as a 'Let's Have A Crappy Lounge-y TV Weekend Marathon' thing three weeks ago. I watched two discs with a friend on a Saturday. However, I was soon obsessed. I made a trip to the video store the next day and spent the rest of my weekend finishing season one and downloading a season pass on iTunes. I haven't been watching my season pass -- next in the queue is "Kill or Be Killed". But I'm just kind of hoarding episodes so I am not without them and in horrendous withdrawal. XD. I told my sister that I thought it was better than True Blood and she wanted to disown me. LOL. Better plot wise (BY FAR) and not having a character I can't stand have a good chunk of air time *cough* Tara *cough*. It's pretty awesome and I love it :D

2. The Stranger by Max Frei. At first I was like THIS IS KIND OF CREEPY. This crazy Russian author dude, Max Frei, wrote a book about a nocturnal loser, Max Frei, being in a crazy land. But Max Frei is a pseudonym which is good because it's less creepy that way and more awesome because a lady wrote it XD. There's supposedly like more books in the series ( 8?) but right now the first book is the only one translated -- next due out in June. I haven't even finished this book or come close to finishing -- I'm nearing the halfway point...maybe. I like that each "chapter" is an example of a case, so it's a lovely thing because you can pace yourself through each case at a time (although you won't want to) but it makes a nice stopping point so you can get some sleep. It has a dream-like quality to it. It's an AMAZING world that's created because it seems so crazy. You've got people named Sir Shurf Lonli-Lokli and Juffin (I read it as Justin for like 30 pages --oh brain) but never are you like THIS WORLD IS JUST TOO CONTRIVED? because it's a lovely dream world where there are kittens the size of sheep and your bedroom is just one big soft floor. It's definitely my kind of place. I am really looking forward to getting to read more :D

temptation, books, televisions

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