I love this season. This show just keeps getting better and better, and I knew I would love this episode before the first commercial break.
I totally didn't realize that it was ectoplasm coming out of the girl's eyes. It reminded me more of Bloody Mary, I guess I focused more on where stuff was oozing from than what was doing the oozing. I lose. And was it bad that when the other girl was screaming in the toilet I was just thinking how gross it was that her mouth was full of toilet water? Probably.
I'm very sad they couldn't get Jeffrey Dean Morgan for this episode. Even just his voice would've been nice. Damn Grey's Anatomy for hogging Papa Winchester (and for killing JDM off in the first place... though that freed up Thursdays for Supernatural so I guess I shouldn't complain). Instead they were just very careful not to show who was driving the Impala. Boo.
The kid playing Sam looks too young to be in high school. He looks about 10 (ok, so the actor is 12, that's still not old enough to be in high school). And I know the actor playing young Dean is 23, but he doesn't look that old and getting older actors to play high schoolers is a really common occurance. They were both good, though. Brock Kelly did an awesome job as Dean and even looks a lot like Jensen (and, being male, will probably only get better looking as he gets older. So unfair).
I do think it's a little silly that the Winchester boys aged thusly:
Dean sure grew up. Sammy, not so much.
Though it was AWESOME when that kid called Sam a midget. I think I may have snorted. Sammy was a midget, and now he's a giant man-beast. Oh, Sammy.
Dean as a gym teacher (substitute gym teacher?) was awesome. He reminded me of a sub I had in high school. He played dodgeball with us and hit a girl so hard she had to sit out (and maybe go to the nurse, my memory is a little fuzzy). He didn't remind me so much of my actual gym teachers, though. They were short and reminiscent of Gummi Bears.
At this point I'm wondering just what in the heck Sam is. Dean is a gym teacher and Sam? wanders around the school? That's a little sketchy. My sister helped me out and told me he was probably a janitor. That makes just a bit more sense.
- Upon rewatching, I see I completely missed Sam pushing the cleaning cart down the hall. Oops!
Was the close up of the kid's hand in the food processor really necessary?! That was just nasty. I could see it coming, but still. Eeew!
Did Barry (nerdy kid with glasses) remind anyone else of Wes from Wishful Thinking? I guess to Supernatural thick black framed glasses = unlovable nerd (unlovable to those around them, not the viewer, I rather liked both of the characters).
Dean loved Magic Fingers even when he was in high school! Yay continuity! I love that that's one of the things he lists to the girl that he likes about living in a hotel. No shame, that one. Though I suppose he was trying to scare her off a bit so he wouldn't have to meet her parents.
I also like how Sam was displaying normal human emotions in this episode. He's seemed a bit cold this season, it's always nice to see him acting like the old Sam I knew and loved.
This episode still leaves me wondering where they keep the beer cooler in the Impala. Maybe with the tire spikes.
-"I had him cremated"
-"All of him?"
Oh Dean, couldn't you think of a better way to ask that? I was just expecting the dad to say, "Nah, I kept his left arm. It's in the freezer."
Sammy being crushed by NoLongerDirk made me laugh. And Dean's "full on cowgirl" made me laugh some more. Oh, boys.
Amanda, you leave my Dean alone! Let him keep his record-breakingly low self-esteem to himself, don't broadcast it to the whole school! And duh, brother>>any girl (that would be brother is much much greater than any girl, for people who haven't taken far too many math/engineering classes).
Oh show, you're awesome. Dean walks in the dark after being outed and Sam walks in the light after he gains respect for beating up his bully. Nice work.
- Ok, so I'm a total nutcase and went back to watch part of "Heart" because of young Sam's werewolf hunting story and my vague memories of them not quite being sure of everything in that episode. And you know what's awesome? In "Heart" Dean says, about werewolves, "We haven't seen one since we were kids". Yay more continuity!
And an unrelated peeve: They showed that T-Mobile commercial with the older couple during the episode. The one where the couple has been married for 38 years and had "11 bulldogs, all named Steve". How did they have 11 bulldogs all with the same name (and thus I assume not concurrently, especially as they show only one dog) in 38 years? Did they get rid of each of them after less than 4 years? Did they die freakishly young? I don't understand!
Ugh, it bothers me.