Are habits contagious? I know that a lot of what I do now by default has been pieced together from various external sources. I'm not even counting the numerous things I picked up from my parents
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Habits are definitely contagious. I notice it the most with my speech patterns. I notice phrases and intricacies in my conversations that I've borrowed from countless friends and acquaintances. I also notice more and more how many mannerisms I share with my Dad. It was starting to freak me out when he was here visiting.
I've picked up a number of superstitious habits, like knocking on wood, from my family. I always pour milk into a cup befor the tead, because when your pour in the tea and there're lots bubbles, it means you'll be rich, my grandmother told my mom that and so I do it. I drink whiskey soda a lot because of my grandpa, and ernest hemingway. I also wink at people.
Comments 4
fyi: Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins are playing at Irving Plaza in the middle of March; I don't think tickets are on sale yet.
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