2018 Year End Meme

Dec 31, 2018 13:26

Which TV shows did you let go of in 2018?When I first started thinking about this question, I couldn’t come up with an answer. I’m not watching very many shows right now, and as a result, I haven’t really given up on any of them this year. But after thinking about it, I realized that there’s one genre I’ve nearly completely abandoned: late night ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

elisi December 31 2018, 18:53:44 UTC
Your favorite online fandom community of the year? I didn’t participate in any online fandom communities this year
:( We be missing you.

And have you thought about trying Sabrina?


molly_may January 1 2019, 02:51:23 UTC
Sabrina's on my list to try sometime! I know this will sound weird, particularly since I mostly identify as agnostic, but I find the "hail, Satan" stuff a little off-putting, due to the remnants of a very religious childhood. It's just one of those strange hang-ups that I can't even really explain. But I've heard lots of good things about the show!


elisi January 1 2019, 11:46:04 UTC
Oh I know exactly where you are coming from (Catholic here). I think what saves it/makes it watchable is that the show doesn't gloss over how horrible it is. It's quite gory and - although it owes a lot to The Addams Family - you see the consequences of it all.

Also the whole 'dark church' basically a metaphor for male privilege/toxic masculinity and Sabrina and her family/friends are taking down the system. SO many awesome female characters, I can't even. Like, it regularly fails to pass the reverse Bechdel test. :)


molly_may January 6 2019, 03:13:43 UTC
Also the whole 'dark church' basically a metaphor for male privilege/toxic masculinity and Sabrina and her family/friends are taking down the system

While I haven't started watching Sabrina yet, I will say that you know exactly which button to push to get me sufficiently intrigued. ;-)


frelling_tralk December 31 2018, 19:11:23 UTC
S11 fooled me by having some decent episodes before completely wasting all of that goodwill on a finale so terrible that it might actually be worse than their previous terrible series finale

Lol yep! I didn’t think it was a bad season overall if you just go by the motw’s, they came out with some fun ones in season 11, but Chris Carter has officially lost it when it comes to the mythology :shakes head:

And I seem to be watching less and less films lately as well. I’m just not into action movies or superhero movies, and it often feels like there isn’t much else to choose from sadly


molly_may January 1 2019, 02:57:55 UTC
I think the mess that CC made of the mythology was even more disappointing because the motw episodes were so strong! I enjoyed the season a lot more than I expected to, but that finale...blergh.

I totally agree about movies. My tastes just do not seem to match what's being made these days at all.


You sound like me wenchsenior December 31 2018, 20:47:18 UTC
Maybe the world is so damn depressing that I just can’t work up enthusiasm. Or it could be that I feel overwhelmed by options in this age of great tv and can’t commit to trying anything, and can’t commit to finishing even things I like. Probably a combo of these ( ... )


Re: You sound like me molly_may January 1 2019, 03:09:18 UTC
As someone who loves Parks & Rec, I would say that the final season is good but not essential. I feel basically the same way about Stranger Things S2 - I liked it, but I wouldn't say it's a must-watch. As someone who will just stop watching shows that I generally like, I find this impulse completely sympathetic.

Oooh, I forgot about His Dark Materials. That's a great cast.


wenchsenior December 31 2018, 21:37:11 UTC
Favorite film you watched this year ( ... )


molly_may January 1 2019, 03:17:48 UTC
Thor: Ragnorak was a complete delight (I saw it in 2017, so didn't add it to my list for this year). Speaking of Marvel, I did watch Black Panther this year, and it was good! If I weren't suffering from so much superhero burnout, I probably would have liked it even more. I liked Oceans 8, but I wanted more from it (which is probably not fair of me). Solo is coming to Netflix soon, and I'll have to catch up with it then.


wenchsenior December 31 2018, 21:41:40 UTC
Your favorite book read this year ( ... )


molly_may January 1 2019, 03:36:02 UTC
I didn't read H is for Hawk, but of course I saw all the rave reviews and accolades it received, so it's interesting to hear such a different perspective. Also, I didn't realize that your husband is a falconer; that is so cool!

OMG, I read the first Black Jewels book years and years ago, probably in the same time frame that BtVS was originally airing and I was reading tons of fanfic, and...yeah. It was nuts even in comparison to all the id-driven fic.


wenchsenior January 1 2019, 15:49:18 UTC
Oh, good, glad it wasn't just me that found Black Jewels crazy. I know that series was big back in the day ( ... )


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