Right there with you! I hate (and I really mean do "hate") dealing with the aftermath of some prat playing a vicious game of "I know better than you". That prat getting one moments worth of pleasure? satisfaction? at the expense of another (and also the group as a whole) is one of the more stupid facets of the SCA that we never seem to stomp out. Good on you for dealing with the aftermath and for trying to be what you want to see. Too few people are willing to make either of those moves, let alone both. I think I will attempt to follow your example in this regard.
While most of us know that folks act like that because of their own fear, it doesn't make it any easier on the ones they focus all that negativity at, and trying to gently "love" them through it can be exhausting and in the end, all for naught. But having a heart means ya gotta try! In the long run I think we do our best to give that level of support to the "under dogs" because we've all been there, and most of all, we remember being there and what it was like!
And, oh yes, you are sooo right. There are no secrets in the SCA. I keep telling people that, so you'd think they'd get that it just doesn't do any good to lie or invent stuff. People find out. Sometimes much sooner rather then later. sigh.
I send you hugs! Go do something nice for yourself!
I am glad to say that I didn't see much of this going on at KASF this weekend. I think that as much as "THOSE PEOPLE" make us mad, they are in a minority.
I remember a time not too long ago when Storvik had some people around all the time who were like that. The rest of us in the Barony had to be constantly vigilant on "damage control" Sigh.
I have noticed that people mostly just want to be invited and to belong. most of the time, I try to make sure I let the new people (new to sca or new to an A&S) That I like them, I want them to be there, and That they will be missed if they dont participate. That kind of attention will usually override a snarky comment here or a gossipy bit there.
BTW Thank you for your ever so kind comments on my weaving at KASF last saturday. I am looking forward to coming to visit you and get a real lesson, but I will have to make those plans after gulf wars and We buy a house. (so like June!)
Comments 15
And, oh yes, you are sooo right. There are no secrets in the SCA. I keep telling people that, so you'd think they'd get that it just doesn't do any good to lie or invent stuff. People find out. Sometimes much sooner rather then later. sigh.
I send you hugs! Go do something nice for yourself!
I remember a time not too long ago when Storvik had some people around all the time who were like that. The rest of us in the Barony had to be constantly vigilant on "damage control" Sigh.
I have noticed that people mostly just want to be invited and to belong. most of the time, I try to make sure I let the new people (new to sca or new to an A&S) That I like them, I want them to be there, and That they will be missed if they dont participate. That kind of attention will usually override a snarky comment here or a gossipy bit there.
BTW Thank you for your ever so kind comments on my weaving at KASF last saturday. I am looking forward to coming to visit you and get a real lesson, but I will have to make those plans after gulf wars and We buy a house. (so like June!)
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