(no subject)

Aug 03, 2005 15:47

alright well i'm updating well takin g a quiz so here it is! :)

+ Basics +
Are you emotional?: i think i just might be
Do songs make you cry? not really
What about movies?: ladder 49 i bawled in lol and this one movie not misson impossible but idk it had ben afflek in it idk i cried in that too and i cried in titanic cuz i was laughing so hard..i think i recall "ill never let you go jack" she lets him go hahaha sorry i'm done now 
What emotion do you usually feel?: frustration happiness

+ Sadness +
What does it take to make you cry your heart out?: if my dad yells at me which is a lot or if i fight w/ a friend like a bad fight / they make me feel like shit then i cry realllly hard
How many times have you done that?: a lotttt
Where do you cry?: in my room on my bed
Do you hate crying?: idk it makes me feel better sometimes
Do you like it when others cry?: no! its to sad!
Do you think tears make eyes look pretty?: yeah my eyes turn bright green its cool lol

Who looks good when they cry?: Umm..  I don't know
Are you sad all the time?: no! i'm happy a lot lol

+ Anger +
What does it take to make you mad?: oh god a lot of things when people make me feel really retarded or my dad making me get off the internet idk tons of stuff.
What do you do when you're angry?: i usally call brei jen or laura  or am really pissy .
How short is your temper?: oh its not very long i'd say but depends on the day
How long does it take you to calm down?: if im crying it can take up to an hour but or else like minutes
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?: Cut alott
Do you freak out when others are angry?: holy shit yeah i do its baddd
Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you?: no loll haha
What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad?: i dont really wnat to say.
Do you anger people?: heck yes

+ Joy +
How often are you happy?:a lot!! :)
What makes you happy?: being w/ friends random/ funny things just everything besides evil people lol

What do you do when you're happy?: laugh al ottt.
How optimistic are you?:pretty optimistic
Do happy people make you mad?: if they are being annoying then sometimes
What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy?: act retarded idk

Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone?: , yes!
Ever been so happy you cried?: I got tears in my eyes
Do you smile a lot?: all the time
Kiss people a lot?: no
Who really makes you happy?: my friends of course! 
Do you like doing things for people when you're happy?: I guess.

+ Fear +
What do you do when you're scared?:  hide close my eyes find somene and hide behind them lol hehe .
What scares you?: Scary Movies and scary girls : | umm FISHHH gawd i hate fish and weeds sea weed to be precise and high school
Do you like scaring people?: i like scaring jenna its so fun lol
Do you like the thrill of being frightened?: it makes the movie funner i guess.
Does fear accompany anger in your case?: I don't think so
Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe?: Yeah
How often do you panic?: oh geez i have panic attacks a lot lol
What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER?: i dont want to go there again

What do you do to calm your nerves?: talk it outttt or grab somethig idk
Do rollercoasters scare you?: no! i love them1

+ The Strongest Emotion +
What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going?:  idk

Movie: ladder 49
Commercial: that one that that bug lifts up the toe nail i feel like ill be sick
Person: right now its drew
Thing: idk
Sight: idkkkk
Sound: Laughter
Food: wheat thins lol
Thing you're looking forward to/want: FOOD heeh

+ What do you do +
When the emotion sucks?: idkkkk do nothing talk about it

When the emotion rocks?: be random
When there's no emotion?: Be bored

+ Would you rather +
Never feel again?: no way
Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life?: anger you can have anger managment then
Be happy forever and never experience bad times?: hellll no its the bad times that make you stronger
Cause misery?: No
Feel misery?: you have to be balanced

Be alone?: I like being with people
Be with everyone you know?: idk its fun when everyones together its interesting

+ Who +
Cheers you up more than anyone else?: idkkkk i think brei jen and laura cheer me up equally
Angers you more than anyone else?: retarded boys who think they can say mean shit and my dad
Scares you more than anyone else?: oh god how bout any one who is mad at me
Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else?: umm idkkk
Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think?: idk all my friends cuz i really have to care about what people feel and think cuz i'm jst like a mom i guess thats what everyone says lol

Name? Molly

Age? frickin 13

Nicknames? a lotttt moll mj mole moley molly ( i dont have moles.. its an inside joke) jm  jackson action jackson

Bad habits?alottt that get me in deep shit

Favourite item of clothing? shirt

Best friend? Brei Laura Jenna

Favourite colour? pink

Are you sad? nope

Are you on anti-depressants? no

Do you play an instrument? no i used to play drums :)

Did you have a good weekend? yes i did :)

Do you love me?of course! lol

Are you a schizophrenic? nope

Looking forward to Christmas? OMG! Yes.

What you doing this weekend? thats to far ahead but talking to laura for a long time cuz she comes back sat.

You want a drink? not really i'm good thanks for asking

What underwear are you wearing?my purple ones w/ hearts lol

Are you an alcoholic? i drink but not an alcoholic

Badger, badger, badger….? huh

Favourite cartoon? umm mm ARTHUR lol i was watching that w/ bryce at jennas lol hehe :)

Did you enjoy this? sure

Do you like sex? i wouldnt know

What will you do now? well my mom is on hold so she is making me listen to the music untill someone picks up and its liek classical godddd

Do you own any knee-high boots? helllll no

Are you attracted to extreme people?idk

Do you like swimming in lakes?no not really

Have you ever tubed down a river? no thatd be freakin awesome tho!

Have you ever kissed a dog on the mouth? dont recall lol

Are you accident prone? nope

Is Charles in Charge? no  i'm in charge hehe jkkk

Have you ever had acupuncture done to you? No

Are you a menace to society? I would hope so

Do you eat regurgitated bee food? wtf..

Do you play hopscotch? yeh when i was babysittin we got to like 24 :) hehe

Are you jealous of beautiful people? heckkk yes

Do you play with the food on your plate? oh yeah

When you were born was the umbilical cord wrapped around your neck? dont think so

Drums or flute? Drums

What do you dread? school

What do you look forward to? not being so bored

Are you fond of strippers? sick no

Are you a dirty old man? sickk no way

Can you twist your tongue upside down? no

Have you ever tried to photograph a ghost? i tried this one time lol :)


Do you have nude photos of yourself posted on the internet? no wayyy

Do you have a guilty conscience? idk yeah?

Angel or devil? angel

Would you enter a burning building to save a kitten?yes! hehe not realyl tho

Do you kill innocent creatures with your bare hands or let the slaughterhouse workers do it out of sight and out of mind? you guys are sick

Are you considered "normal"? yeah

Are you presently dating an alien? oh yyeah lol but no.

Do you want to skydive? Yes

Have you ever tried to walk on water? I have it ddidnt work out to well for me tho

Odd or even? even for sure

Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John? john

Distant or closer? closer

Ecstasy? No

Do you like avocados? No

Have you ever been told that you talk to much? all the time

Whats the worst name you ever been called? a fat ugly bitch cunt probley.

Whats the funniest song? just eat it lol ahhahahaha jenna

Would you live in siberia for 2 years to save the world?maybe.. lol

Do you like to party? yes!!

Do you like to clean? actually i do

Whats the longest you've slept?14 hours just the other day lol

Have you ever been in the hospital? when i was a baby thats it

Whats the scariest thing you've ever been through? when my grandma was in icu but she lived!

Are we ever going to have world peace? No, so don't count on it

Whens the last time you went on vacation?in july to boston

When's the last time you took a bath? probley last week idk

Have you ever been abducted by aliens? Yes

If you could remove one word from the english language? .. what?

What the best memory you have of your childhood? sleeping lol

Are you addicted to anything? my cell and the computer

Would you rather type or write? type

Do you know any foreign language? yeah

What did you learn today? my moms being a bitch

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