(no subject)

Aug 21, 2005 21:35

ik ik another quiz but i'll try to make a real update after this!! to tell ya all about today/ tomorrow/ tuesday..

[So, what makes you so special?]

1] What is your first and middle name? Molly Elizabeth
2] Why did your parents name you these names? they didnt well you see my mom wanted to name me elizabeth but my dad didnt want  people calling me lizzie and then my aunt is like how about molly? so then they did molly elizabeth!
3] What exactly does your first name mean? bitter.. isn't that horrible!
3] Where is your birthmark at? back of my right leg i think
4] Do you even know why you have one of these? no.. why do i? thats a good question tho and now its gunna bug me lol hehe
5] What are your measurements? [i.e. #-#-#] i have nooo idea so i'm gunna make up a number.. 5-5-5
6] Describe your “style” when it comes to what you wear: plainnn and simple
7] Do you eat something that everyone else thinks is gross? most likely lol

[Warm fuzzies]

9] Do you have a special someone? nope
10] What’s his or her name? --
11] What does this person do for a living? --
12] How does this he/she make you feel? --.
13] Name, in months, how long you have been dating: --.
14] Was it love at first sight?  --.
15] The ultimate greatest thing about him/her is: --
16] [A year passes.] Do you still see yourself happy with this person?--.
17] What do you guys do for fun?--
18] How long did it take you to say the “L” word to him/her? ---
19] How many serious relationships have you had? i have no idea
20] Name one song that explains a past relationship: again i have no idea

[Getting an edumacation]

21] What school do you attend? Antigo High School.. ugh that suckkks
22] How many students go there with you? heck if i know!
23] What grade are you in? 9th
24] What do you like about going to school? seeing my friends of course!
25] Favorite class: i love language but idk
26] What college/university are you going to afterward? this is what ive been thinkin.. -- St.Norberts.. its in DePere.. umm a UW college.. like stout or madison.. milwaukee.. or UM.. university of minnesota.. but if iwant to be teacher idk if itd be the same teacher education requirements
27] Name a couple majors you are interested in: Law Enforcment or Teaching
28] What degree are you aiming at earning? idkk teaching..

[Living quarters]

29] Do you live at home with your parents? yes i do
28] Is your room big? Not really no
29] What size is your bed? twin..its to small!
30] What color are the walls? PURPLE! yay
31] Do you have any animals in there? nope
32] Are you in your bedroom most of the time? when i talk on the telly i am.. and thats a lot so yeah

[Your cup of tea]

33] What is your all time favorite movie?humm.. idk that is a good question
34] Why so? well idk what movie so idk!
35] Do you prefer Jay Leno or Conan O’Brien? neither
36] What are three things that you are obsessed with? the phone.. computer .. annnd sleeping
37] What is your favorite CD at the moment?the new faith hill one
38] What celebrity do you think is the cutest? VIN DIESEL!! alllllllll the way
39] What’s the last really good movie you have seen? umm.. i'm tryin to think.. i kinda liked darkness haha annnd dead end .. idk it was alright
40] When’s the last time you cried during a movie? When I watched ladder 49

[Working your ass off]

41] Do you have a job? kinda sorta
42] Where do you work at? other peoples houses.. to babysit.. and at the high school for gymnastics.. starting in september
43] What do you do there? Babysit .. and teach
44] How long have you been working at this place? umm since i was 11 and this past week
45] Do you see yourself working there for a while? till i graduate

|*Bathroom Stuff*|
Do you like to shower, or take a bath?: depends
Do you use shower/bath gel or just regular soap?: Shower gel
How long does it take you to shower?: 5-10 minutes
Conditioner? Or just Shampoo?: both of course

|*Sex/Bedroom Stuff*|
Have you ever had sex?: No
If yes, what was it like: --
Did your first time hurt?: --
Do you find yourself being sexually frustrated more than once a week?: no
Do you have fantasies often?: no
Someone famous you'd want to have sex with/make out with?: nope
Ever dream of your wedding? honeymoon?: yeah! hehe i'm cool like that but no its gunna be  pink! :) and my honemoon on an island :D!.
What would be the ultimate fantasy place to have sex?: heck idk

Have you ever been caught having sex?: No.
Fantasies: what about it?
Handcuffs?: no

Shower Scenes?: What about them?
Torture?: no
Syrup?: no
Tortilla chips?: k this is gettin pretttttty weird!

Whip?: noo
Biting?: no
Costumes?: Nah.
Anal?: no

k i'm putting no for everything becuz this section was to weird slash sick for me.. ick

|*Random-ish ness*|
Do your friends find you weird sometimes?: god yeah
Do your friends think you have odd taste in the opposite/same sex?: yeah i think they just might
If yes, name 3 people[famous or not] that you find attractive?: NUMBER 1.. VIN DIESEl.. okay number 2.. dougggg annd number 3 t.j

Do you ever/have you ever laughed for no reason at all for a long time?: hahah of course
Do you like the color purple?: heck yes
Do you think you have any influence on others?: well y ah i am like a "mom" right brei jen and laura?
Britney... is gone now?: is she?
Would you ever hump a tree at night while hanging out with your friends. . just to make them laugh? not at allll
|*This or That*|
Golf or Football?: Football.
Baseball or Hockey?: Hockey
Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads?: Brunettes
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream or Cappucino?: cappucino
Hanson or Def Leppard?: Hanson
John Mayer or Michelle Branch?: Michelle Branch
Star Trek The Next Generation or Star Trek Voyager?: I hate them both
MacGyver or Murder She Wrote?: nither!
AOL or Death?: death lol hehe jk aol!

Person you felt most comfortable with/talking to?: umm well of course brei jen laura its a tie between those 3

Person you'd have a sleepover with?: the three of them
Person you'd fight a rabid dog for?: wtfff is a rabid dog?
Favorite color?: PINK
Favorite singer?: I don't have one.
Favorite bands?: anythig country

Favorite Tv Show?: umm full house.. sweet sixteen.. antthing from lifetime hehe
Favorite place?: idk
Favorite present you gave someone?: idk but i do have to say my fav. present i ever got from someone is from the pillow case from jenna today.. i am so happy :D
Favorite pet?: bailey!

Remember when.--
You had pogs?: POGS!.. no

You had to have a boyfriend in 6th grade?: well of course
You tripped infront of someone?: haha i do that everyday of course i'd remember!

Have you ever...
Laughed so hard food came out of your mouth/nose?: yeh it hurt like a mother too
Cried so hard you threw up?: yea i was so upset
Eaten liver?: i dont think so.. thats sick
Had Buttermilk?: not straight but i had it in pancakes
Kissed the same sex?: ick no
Mooned someone/a school bus/a county jail?: yeah.. at josh's cottage on accidet

Burped louder than a guy?: hehe most likely
Done a straddle/split? yepppp
Been on a cheerleading team?: no
Played spin the bottle?: spin the bottle truth or dare not the real thing

Ate Chicken Pot pie?: Yeah
Spent a holiday alone?: Nope
Made the pouty kissy face in a picture?: Yeah, lol
Played beer pong? And won?: huh?
Gone out while you were grounded? Get caught?: nope and nope

Seen a therapist?: ..
Gone to a clinic/hospital?: yeahhh i hate doctors/ hospitals!
Had a serious illness/disease? or anyone in your family?: my grandma does.. alzheimers.

So do you like anyone?: mhmm
Do they live near you?: yep
Have you ever been in love before?: no
Age ain't nothin but a number?: preeeeeecisly.
Do you believe in 'internet' relationships?: no lol hahhah thats a nice try tho!.
Do you believe in the pyschos the news always talk about.. being on the net, trying to kill people?:heck yes.
Do you believe in 'waiting for what you want'?: i do it every day
Do you believe in love at first site? Honestly?: sure.. and honestly i do
Do you believe in "everything happens for a reason?: well yeah cuz it does.

so there my quiz!! k noelle now you can go take it!
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