okay since holly and becca are pretty much the only ones to read and consistently comment--this is for you. okay in actuality that would be rude and pretentious, so this is really for everyone. because, well, i'm me
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Thanksgiving rocks. So does Dunkin' Donuts. Last night I actually ate: one small strawberry coolatta, one sprinkly Christmas donut (okay, half ... I dropped the other half, blah), and one small hot chocolate. There was just too much Boston-y goodness not to have it all in one sitting.
Thanksgiving does rock. And anymore I think dunkin donuts ranks higher than even turkey. (Okay so that's not saying much...it ranks higher than stuffing though and that's saying a lot.) Okay, so let me get this: you had a coolatta, a half donut and a hot chocolate?! That's like the whole Boston spirit in one sitting. man, am I jealous.
Comments 4
I'm so gross. haha
And I wish I was that gross...mmm...dunkin....
<3ed the siollyocity
your family=like my family
<3ing the pie
awesome movies
should do it again sometime :D
my family IS your family.
oh pie....
best movies ever.
HAVE to do it again sometime (it's now like an addiction)
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