Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What animal should
mobylovr be combined with? a bear
2) Where was
shabalaman born? kalamazoo?
3) Is
cutie4034 introverted or extroverted? extroverted
kistabeans's eye color? green/blue
5) What is
jewboyxtrodinar's shoe size? 12
6) What would
theromancandle give
shabalaman for his/her birthday? something kick ass
7) What flavor of jello would
kistabeans be? orange
8) What would
drmalificent do differently in your shoes? be a bitch
9) Is
drmalificent in a relationship? no
10) If
jewboyxtrodinar and
theromancandle were spliced together, what would be its name? bedan
11) Where would
spontaneous_me most like to visit? the moon
12) Would
theromancandle and
mobylovr make a good couple? lol, no
13) What song/movie would you recommend to
mihihihi? romy and michelle
14) Does
jewboyxtrodinar travel a lot? no
15) Is
caito419 dead sexy? of course
16) How tall is
shabalaman? tall
17) What is
walou's biggest flaw? nothing
18) What is
kdoms12's favorite game? spin the bottle, but only with me
19) What rank would
mihihihi have in a giant robot army? comander
20) What planet should
cutie4034 be from? uranus
21) What is
stlx's favorite movie? um...bad girls?
22) What word best describes
walou? crazy
23) What is
outlaw2mr's favorite color? blue?
24) What is
shabalaman's favorite food? anything
25) If
mihihihi were hanging off a cliff, what would
jewboyxtrodinar do? crazy brack dance moves and save her