My husband has given up on politics and decided that it's just not worth getting upset over.
I just came across a story about an anti-abortion movement that are posting up billboards, describing black children as "an endangered species."
The effort is sponsored by Georgia Right to Life, which also is pushing legislation that aims to ban abortions based on race.
You will excuse me, but I think I'm going to hang on to my rage for just a little while longer.
Issues4Life, an anti-abortion group in California, lobbied Congress to stop funding Planned Parenthood calling black abortions "the Darfur of America."
Let me say this again:
A billboard campaign has been initiated to specifically target black women to be too afraid and too ashamed to choose for themselves. They hope to result in actual legislation banning abortions based solely on the color of the woman's skin.
I'mma need a clue bat.
Preferably hickory.
A big ol' clue bat for people in Atlanta.
This is not a moral issue and there is no epidemic of black children no longer existing.
Don't kid yourself. If you don't have any education about birth control, it is so much easier for outside forces to control you.
There are advocates who are actually trying to claim that the abortion procedure has always been linked to race and that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, wanted to eradicate minorities and intended to carry out this "master plan" by putting clinics in their neighborhoods.
Um, I have a couple of questions.
1) If this was intended to rid the world of black people, why would she travel to Japan to work with a feminist there to advocate birth control?
2) If this was strictly a race issue, why go to jail for violating obscenity laws? Why write books and hand out pamphlets to women and make a national appeal to repeal the Comstock law. A law that made it illegal to distribute items of contraception or even information about items of contraception.
3) You do realize the first birth control clinic was opened in in Brownsville Brooklyn in 1916 when the neighborhood was predominantly Jewish, right?
Sanger (no matter what her association with eugenics may have been) wanted to prevent abortion by preventing pregnancy in the first place! Contraception for ALL women.
What kind of... foolishness is this?
I loved this quote, though.
"To use racist arguments to try to bait black people to get them to be anti-abortion is just disgusting. These one-issue approaches that are not about saving the black family or black children, it's just a big distraction," she said. "Many black people don't know who Margaret Sanger is and could care less."
That's from Professor Beverly Guy-Sheftall from Spelman College. She said it plain. Thank you.