Several years ago, I was doing a show and while the cast was engaged in some acting exercises, I landed badly. So badly that y knee went sideways. A thing I was unaware that knees could do.
I tore my ACL. It was diagnosed and misdiagnosed and re-evaluated again over the years.
I would ocassionally have a problem with it, but nothing life-threatening.
But I got sick of worrying about my knee randomly buckling from underneath me. So, I finally had the time and more importantly, the insurance to get it fixed.
But it's no big deal
That's what I've been saying to myself and my husband and my parents who worry too much. (If two days go by w/o a call from me, Mom starts to freak.)
This whole knee surgery thing? It's not that big a deal.
Walking on crutches? Not that big a deal.
Walking around in a brace for a month? No biggie.
Physical Therapy for possibly up to 6 months? I can handle it.
But man, this is making me a little crazy. It's only been 24 hours and I'm already antsy.
I have to ice down my knee at least three times a day at 30 - 45 min. intervals.
I must strap myself into a CPM (continuous passive motion) machine and remain in it for 2 hours at a time, twice a day.
And I have to begin physical therapy soon. Physical therapy that may take up three days a week for months. The brace hurts since whatever's under the dressing gets pressed further into my skin when I strap it on. And I must wear it at all times, unless of course I'm icing it down or locking it into the machine.
And all this is for the sake of getting my knee back. So I have to keep it up. I've got a little man depending on me, so slacking is not an option.
Besides, I miss dancing.
Dancing without fear.
I miss being able to break into a run without thinking twice about it.
Maybe this is a bigger deal than I cared to admit.
However, on the up side, they weighed me before the surgery and I've lost a little weight! Yay!
There are people far worse off than me, so I can't complain much.
And hey, God bless Percoset.
Which I will partake in before bed tonight.
Did I mention I have a fantastic husband who has taken the week off to care for me? 'Cause I do.