a random update; with a real one tomorrow probably.
i began the year doing oklahoma! not knowing how it would turn out.
rehearsal after rehearsal &4 long nights of performing. oh how amazing it was.
it soon was followed by santaland; one of my favorite experiences in high school.
what a fun crowd we were; districts &then we got our hairpieces at thssdl state.
the next week came and we busted our butts preparing for tjcl.
a neat, stressful weekend. hooray! tjcl secretary.
30 minutes later? a table on my foot, an almost severed toe and 8 stitches.
prom came and went; and may passed as quickly as ever.
with the ap bio exam &graduation, i blinked and it was gone.
i went to girls state &immediately to gsh.
i had my birthday.
had five of the best weeks of my life.
with telephone calls every couple of days the last three weeks &an open heart and mind.
i graduated gsh 2005 with tears and laughter - trying so hard to not have to leave.
it was onward to symposium where i cried myself to sleep the first night.
it was hut &the tabernacle; rain &loneliness.
it was 2 hour conversations and catching up.
i left a day early and got back just in time to shower &pick up jonathan.
our ben folds/weezer adventure made us hungry for more amazing music.
we came home and i helped him pack up his house &i had band camp.
nationals arrived &it was such a wonderful week -
spent exactly the way it was needed.
school starts; i say goodbye to some of my best friends in the whole world.
a trip to memphis to see a boy.
a hurricane.
2 months of endless football games, band contests &miserableness.
halloween's adventure to nashville for a couple hours of bliss.
veteran's day weekend; still one of the best in my books.
seeing jonathan's face for the first time in like 8 weeks and seeing the best concert i've ever seen -
all in one weekend.
dickson county; the crucible; spoiled with another weekend of him here.
rhs invitational; jonathan again; gsh reunion!!!
a few weeks passed uneventfully.
family time.
freaking out about the trip.
arriving home at the airport on january 1, 2006 to be completely surprised by the one who loves me most.
overall; 2006 is going to have to kick it pretty hard to beat 2005.
and so far, on day 2 - it's doing pretty well.
we got eachother the same book for christmas.
&i have a wonderful mixed cd + new ben folds dvd to watch.
hello 2oo6, here's to lovelove &happy days.
i pray that it lasts.