it pays to put yourself out there.

Apr 06, 2006 23:48

Dear Ms. Harlan,

I am Molly Ellis and I am a senior in high school here in Clarksville, Tennessee. I will be attending Harding University in the fall. Right now, I work as a coach at Action Gymnastics & Cheer Centre [here's our not completely updated website]. I do mainly pre-school classes [I adore the little children], a 9+ rec. class, and generally 5-8 year olds as well. I have worked with our Hot Shots [4-5 year olds, headed for pre-team], pre-teamers, and our level 5 competitive girls.

Anyhow, as the school year nears its end and I look forward to the summer and moving on to college, I decided I would do a little detective work and see if Searcy had a gym. So I googled it, saw a USAG list, and found you! I'm sure you have plenty of people working for you, but I just wanted to make contact with you so that perhaps if the opportunity ever arose that you needed some part-time help, I would love to be breathing in chalk and spotting backhandsprings, and I have experience.

I was a non-competitive gymnast on the same track as the competitors. My mom, with a second daughter four years younger than me, didn't want to put in the time and effort it required for me to compete. So, I worked from the age of 4 till 12 when I quit to pursue acrobatics/tumbling which I was taking classes in until I was 16 when I began coaching.

It has been a wonderful experience working in the gym and gymnastics is an amazing sport.
You look you have a great program!!!!

Have a wonderful week.
Molly Ellis

Thanks for your interest in our program. We are always looking for
coaches. We actually have several positions you may be interested in. Our
recreatioal tumbling coach is graduating, our primary rec.gymnastics
coach will
be in Greece for the fall semester, and we our expanding our cheer program to
inculde "tiny team" (kindergarten & under) and we may need help with that
depending on how much interest we have for that age group.

If you are interested, I'm not big on formal resume's so if you don't already
have one put together, don't bother. Things that would be helpful: videos of
yourself coaching if you are still working and letters of reference from
coaches, employers, parents of students. Also, which of the above jobs
are you
most interested in/comfortable with?

Thanks again for your interest. I look forward to hearing from you again.

this makes me more excited, actually a lot.
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