If there is one person or more on your friends list who makes your world a better place just because they exist and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.
So I should probably update. Yes, that would be a logical thing to do considering I haven't, well, not properly, in a while. But I don't think anyone reads them so what's the point?
Wow, emo, much?
Anyway, life. Well, I'm going on holiday on Friday with my nearest and dearest of the non-related faction. Basically, Joe's rentacles are going on holiday, so we're shacking up at his until the 26th for drinking and partying and playinggeekygamesallnighttilwepassout. We are the epitome of dorkitude. It'll be a blast though, I just need to find £40 from somewhere to pay for said drinking, and a weeks worth of food.
£30 for cleaning the whole downstairs + bathrooms which is cool. We're pack rats in my house; no neatness, orderliness or tasteful decorations here - more cluttered piles of stuff, and mess dropped where my brother and sister leave it, awaiting me or mum to pick it up. Charming, no?
Well I'm deep cleaning (man I miss my online spellcheck right about now, dammit! *sips coffee and continues*) like I cleaned inside the fridge, the cupboard doors, the window and stuff like that when I did the kitchen yesterday (done nowt today, woke up feeling ill at 3.30pm and went shopping with Mummy dearest and Lala). I found it surprisingly peaceful to do. And I let out a lot of pent up anger.
Next up; Bathroom and downstairs toiler, my bedroom, hallway and landing, dining room and living room. Wish me luck, eh?
Anyway, also, spent all my birthday money buying the Sims 3 and my mum's birthday present (La owes me £14.60 for it), with £20 on the side from when I went out (and had a lousy-ass time playing pool, which, by the way, isn't very easy fuck you very much Jared Padalecki and your amazing skills in that first episode with Anna) which SUCKS major donkey dicks *goes away to make dinner quick* Cheese on toast by the way - ANYWAY! *sighs at self* No money, no real job, because, let's face it, £18.50 a week from working one Sunday, hardly counts. So I've applied, went all around my local shopping area (to which 5 out of 8 shops said 'even if we did have a vacancy, it's all done online anyway') and then to the supermarket that also has a branch near my University, and they sent me an application today! I'm so happy n__n but I've also applied for the Job Seeker's Allowance, which is £51 a week until I find a job that give me more than 6 hours a week. So even if I don't get a job at Asda, the supermarket, I'll be getting a small amount of money in until uni starts.
And that's pretty much my life thus far, well, plus I'm playing Lord of the Rings online with 2 of my best buds, watching Buffy again, and reading SPN fanfics, LOTR and the Da Vinci Code (I can sooo multiread :P)
If you do read this, tell me how you've been? What have you been up to? How are you? :D