stole from
civillove 01. The character I fell in love with first Dean, most defnitely
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now Sammy. I mean, I've loved them al along, but I do love all his little quirks, even his, trust a demon one. Just makes him Sam. :)
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't Erm I don't think I have an answer for this. ETA: I didn't like Pamela. ETA AGAIN: OMG I HATED ANNA!!!
04. The character I love that everyone else hates Ruby. Even though some of the acting was a bit iffy, her story and character was well thought out and complex. I had moments when I was all 'oh she's totally got that wool over their eyes' and other days I'd be '...maybe she is a demon that cares. Kinda like Angel with his soul'. So therefore I like her.
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer No answer for this either.
06. The character I would shag anytime Dean... or maybe Sam... Sam does have that angry sex down pat, you see him in Sex and Violence and with Ruby? But Dean seems to be good at the heartfelt humping if it's with someone he cares about.
07. The character I'd want to be like Erm, well, I think I'd say Mary Winchester, because she was badass, and yet still had the love and care to start a family. She's like John but without the mourning. :)
08. The character I'd slap I dunno, people said Ruby, but I don't want to slap her for the reasons they probably chose. I'd slap her for what she did to the boys and the broken look Sam had before Dean came in.
09. A pairing that I love Sam/Jess, Sam/Sarah, Mary/John, Dean/someone that can handle him.
10. A pairing that I despise - Dean/Cassie, I just... god the way she screamed into the phone pissed me off. She was terrible! That relationship was never going to work. I also don't like Dean/Sam UNLESS it has a plausible story behind the being together, or I have cute kids to distract me from the ick! factor.
The end *goes moth hunting with a rolled up newspaper*