Okay, I need to breathe.
So, let me say, first of all, that I liked this episode. I felt so much emotions and the last minutes left me with my hands on my mouth 'cause I didn't know what to do with myself. I never thought that the Governor could have been behind all that and Wo Fat is just an awesome antagonist.
Anyway there are a few things that I didn't like. Here they are:
- Chin. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHAT WHAT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I really want to believe that he's working the inside and he will help Kono and Steve, or otherwise I'll be really pissed off.
- Jenna. I'm sorry to all that like her, I took my time to build my own opinion about her, and it's not positive. I don't like her. Her behavior is too much like the one of a 12 years old girl, she still has no chemistry with nobody, I have the feeling that she doesn't really fit in the HF0 group and her saying 'I like it' when Danny points out that Five-0 is insane? Of COURSE she does. Mary Sue.
- Danny and Rachel. Danny, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHAT WHAT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Okay, guys, you all need a sassy gay friend, believe me. I understand you are in love, Danny, but come on! You are better than this! And honestly I don't think that Rachel is really pregnant. Or maybe she is, but it's not Danny's child. Because, IDK, how can she be so sure about this? I mean, you need at least two months to understand that you are pregnant, so what, they had an affair all this time? She never had sex with Stan in more than two months? IDK, something is not right. I like the idea that I read somewhere that maybe she's being blackmailed by Wo Fat to get Danny off the island so he can't help Steve or continue investigating the case. At least I hope that the things will be like this.
And now I have to say that I'm not worried about Danny leaving the island anymore and that I disagree with the slash fans that told me that in this episode there wasn't slash. Like, really?! Am I the only one who saw Danny telling Steve that he will found a way to bring him out of that? I think that at the end of this episode Danny understood that what he told Rachel is not true: he HAS a family in Hawaii, he HAS a life there, and I don't think he will leave all of his friends in the epic shit only because of Rachel. Yes, I know that he could do that for Grace, but I think that Grace will be really pissed off with his dad if she will understand that he has abandoned uncle Steve and aunt Kono to their fate.
Oh, I almost forgot: I love Steve and everything he will choose to be.
And now I need an embarassing amount of fanfictions for surviving four months without the Show.