Title: Last angel
momonyan Pairing: Masuda/Tegoshi
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Summary: He went out to club sometimes, let people flirt with him; sleep with him if they wanted, just to dull the pain and loneliness a little. It didn’t help much, what he wanted wasn’t just sex, but love.
Notes: English is not my native language.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 *~*~*~*~*~*
Tegoshi looked at his wrist-watch, butterflies starting to gather in his stomach. It was time soon, and he gazed towards the entry with that stupid smile like glued on his face. His heart skipped a beat when he finally saw Masuda in the entrance of the café he was sitting in, and waved happily towards the older man. Masuda shone up immediately when he saw Tegoshi, smiling in that special way that made the younger’s heart beat faster. He was so happy today, a feeling he hadn’t felt for quite a long time now, and that itself made him even more cheerful. He knew why he was so cheerful though, the answer was simple; he was having a date with Masuda. Tegoshi hadn’t been on a real date for quite a time, so it made him happy to finally do it again. It had been Masuda’s idea; he had asked if Tegoshi wanted to meet him again, and of course Tegoshi had said yes. He felt unbelievably relaxed in Masuda’s company; comfortable, even though they barely knew each other. On the other hand, Masuda did know more about Tegoshi than most other people did, maybe that was the reason to why Tegoshi felt like they had known each other for years. It made him happy, and maybe that was the most important thing after all.
The date turned out to be nicer than Tegoshi had assumed, and he admitted that his expectations had been high. They hadn’t done anything that special though; they had talked most of the time, and then gone to karaoke at Tegoshi’s request. They had just done pretty normal things actually, but the small details that Tegoshi noticed was enough to make it special. Like how Masuda blushed when touching his hand lightly under the table, and how he let Tegoshi choose all the songs he wanted. Maybe Tegoshi was reading too much into Masuda’s every motion, but it didn’t feel like that at all. Masuda was adorably awkward, shy, but still forward. And Tegoshi reminded himself of the fact that they had almost slept with each other, they would have if it hadn’t been for his embarrassing mental breakdown. It had to mean something. Well, they at least felt attracted to each other; that was for certain.
Masuda was indeed a sweetheart, and Tegoshi felt happier than he had for a long time when the older man decided to walk him home. Tegoshi couldn’t help but smile when he noticed how Masuda glanced at him, and then quickly withdrew his gaze when Tegoshi noticed. It was just…cute, and Tegoshi couldn’t help but to like the older man. He was sweet and caring, shy and a bit clumsy; the type of person people didn’t think the bratty idol Tegoshi Yuya would normally fall for. But it was the opposite, totally. Maybe he had fallen for Masuda the very first time their gazes met, or maybe when the older treated him with such gentleness and held him when he cried. Not that it mattered, Masuda made Tegoshi’s heart flutter, made him feel alive again; like a flower who bloomed again when spring arrived after a hard, cold winter. Tegoshi played with the thought that it was destiny; that he and Masuda had been meant to meet that night, that they were meant to be together. Maybe it was silly, they still didn’t know each other that well, but Tegoshi wished that it was like that. Because if they were tied together by the strings of fate, then Masuda wouldn’t leave him like all of his previous lovers had.
Tegoshi admittedly felt a bit disappointed when he could see his apartment building; that meant that he had to part with Masuda, something he actually didn’t want. He smiled towards the older man, trying to really express how happy and thankful he felt. “Well, I guess this is it then.” The older man nodded, looking nervous for a reason that was unknown to Tegoshi. But it was still cute. “I had a wonderful day, thanks for inviting me. Good night!”
Tegoshi was just about to turn around when Masuda grabbed his wrist. “Wait. I have…something to say.”
Tegoshi tilted his head to the side, his stomach tingling in excitement. Masuda’s cheeks were bright red, and he bit his lip. “I…” He cleared his throat. “Actually, I think…” His voice was so shaky, he obviously was nervous, and Tegoshi knew what was coming. To be honest, he had longed for these words, he had wanted to hear them for so long that his heart was about to break. But when seeing Masuda like this; nervous and unbelievably shy, it felt like he could live without them for some more time. He pressed his lips against Masuda’s, kissing him tenderly and smiling brightly when parting. “I guess you could just tell me next time, right?”
Masuda’s face turned into a wide smile, and he nodded. “I guess.”
Tegoshi squeezed his hand and placed a wet kiss on the older man’s cheek. “Good night.”
Masuda just smiled, even when Tegoshi had reached the entrance to the house and waved towards him. “Make sure to call me!”
“I will!” Masuda waved happily, and Tegoshi giggled. He felt like he was a teenager again, naïve and unable to control his feelings. But it was alright like this, it really was. Because he felt happy. And it was all because of Masuda; that was certain. Tegoshi leaned against the wall and giggled, just enjoying the feeling of a heart beating faster than usual, and butterflies filling his stomach up. There was no doubt about it; he was in love with Masuda.
Tegoshi had hated his job for a while now, had hated the fame, hated that he was a good-looking guy who made a living just because of his pretty face. Today it felt different though; he felt more honest, and when the photographer asked for a smile, he didn’t have to fake one that was completely without emotion. He had a reason to smile now, and that made his entire life easier. Obviously, Tegoshi was bad at hiding his happiness, and when he went to change outfits the stylist smiled towards him. She was a sweet girl, and Tegoshi liked her a lot. Mostly because she saw him, and nothing else. Tegoshi felt relaxed with her, because she had a boyfriend already, and they had never had that sort of interest for each other anyway. But she seemed to be good at reading Tegoshi’s mind, and always managed to sense how he was feeling. Today too, she smiled that sweet smile of hers and handed Tegoshi a bunch of clothes. “You seem to be in a good mood today.”
Tegoshi smiled. “I am.”
She tipped her head to the side a bit and giggled. “You’re in love, aren’t you?”
“Why is that your first assumption?” Still, it mad him happy that she noticed, and that he obviously had changed. He had felt more like an empty shell before than a real human being.
“Your smile is different, and you seem honestly happy. It’s like you’re sparkling of happiness.”
Tegoshi laughed. “Sparkling?” Well, maybe she was right. He felt a lot more cheerful than before, and maybe he wasn’t the only one who noticed. His stylist giggled and leaned towards him, like she was about to tell him a secret. “And, well…you looked quite sexy out there. More than before, I mean.”
“You don’t have to notice things like that!”
She giggled. “You know, it’s alright to want to show your sexiness to the person you love.”
Tegoshi didn’t know what to say, because she probably was right. Now when he knew that Masuda was watching, he did his best to look more attractive than ever. He wouldn’t even try to deny that.
“You better go change so you don’t get delayed.”
Tegoshi looked at the girl beside him. “What?”
She pointed discreetly towards the entry to the studio. “I think you’re already late, because Darth Vader looks quite mad.”
Tegoshi let his gaze follow the direction of her finger and sighed. “Ryo.”
“Come on, go and change outfit.” She winked towards him. “And good luck with your lover.”
Tegoshi did as she said and hurried toward the dressing room, not wanting to get scolded by his manager for being late again.
In the end, Ryo hadn’t been mad at Tegoshi at all. It had been a relief, because Ryo was actually quite scary when he was angry, and not even Tegoshi’s skilled puppy-eyes could save him in these situations. But his manager hadn’t been mad; he had just told Tegoshi that he was going to appear in some late-night drama, as one of the main characters. Tegoshi didn’t know what to think; he was happy because he would be able to act, something he really enjoyed, but at the same time he didn’t want more publicity at the moment. It wasn’t like he could refuse though, Ryo had fought hard to get him this role, and Tegoshi didn’t want to disappoint him. That would be too rude. So he had ended up accepting the offer, then he had to hurry to his next job.
Tegoshi hated being so busy, he didn’t have time for almost anything except his job, and that was a bother now when he had Masuda. They had been together for almost a month now, and Tegoshi still smiled when he thought about the night Masuda had grabbed all of his courage and confessed his feelings to him. Ever since, it felt like their emotions had only grown stronger. The two of them truly lived in their own little happy bubble, and Tegoshi was totally satisfied with his life at the moment. He had to admit that he wouldn’t have said no to a round in the bedroom with Masuda, but they hadn’t really gotten the chance to yet. Both of them were so busy, bur foremost Masuda wanted to take things slowly. He had said that he didn’t want to rush anything this time; that they should wait for the perfect moment. Tegoshi did comprehend, and could also agree with his boyfriend, but he started to get a bit needy now. He was eager and completely ready to make love to Masuda and once and for all become his. It sadly enough didn’t seem like Masuda was, or maybe he just cared for Tegoshi. He always cared so much, and tried to do what he thought was best for his boyfriend. Therefore, Tegoshi couldn’t even get the slightest annoyed, because Masuda cared. That was more than many other people had done. Whenever Tegoshi thought about it, he decided that he was fine with things as they were now, it wasn’t like they had to rush things; they had all the time in the world. The most important thing was that they could be together after all.
I really didn’t have a reason not to post this chapter since it was already finished XD
Personally I think it’s a kinda weird chapter though, mostly because it feels sort of scattered…It may feel like that because this story was a one-shot from the beginning, but then I decided to split it into chapters when it became too long.
Anyway, hope you liked it! Thanks for reading, and comments are of course most welcome ^.^<3