About my day!!
Some interesting shit happened today...
First of all, my bf and I fought at every available opportunity again today. That's really nothing new, but, w/e. He decided he didn't feel like working today so he lied to his boss, and told me if his boss called that I should repeat the lie.... I told him to shove it. That's bs. He knows I am strongly opposed to lying, yet he got mad when I told him I wouldn't. That was the first of many, many things we fought about today. I really-really don't like him. Wtf did I ever see in him anyway? Cuz I sure as hell don't see it anymore. He's like a 37 yr old stupid teenager. Half the time I feel more like his mommy than his fucking girlfriend. I wish I could leave him and actually make it stick.... The sad thing is, I am still with him because the thought of having to pack up and move all the shit I own makes me nauseous... And for the first time in our relationship, the house we are renting is actually being rented to him. Plus there's all that crap he talks about all of the horrible tragedies that would befall him if I left again. God, we could only be so lucky...
I had to work today (of course), but, I brought my Death Note movie ( I <3 U!!) and made my bestest friend watch it with me... We only got through like 40 min. before job duties called, so I didn't get to show her the adorableness that is L, but w/e. We are gonna finish it tomorrow. And, we managed to talk our boss into actually giving us a day off together *the first in over a year* so we are gonna go BOOK SHOPPING! Omfg, I looooove books. And shopping for them.... I can't wait...... Idk what I'm gonna get! Oh man, I am retardedly excited about book shopping. Jeebus, I have no life... x_x
My car is being stupid. Something is wrong with some parts that are gonna cost me a grand total of about $700 to fix. FUCK THAT...... THE CAR CAN DIE AND 'SPLODE FOR ALL I CARE! So, I am gonna have to buy another one. Again. As soon as tax time comes around. I hate having to have a vehicle. I def. should have stayed my stupid self in MN, I could be riding the bus (and freezing my ass off) right now. Lol. I'm dumb.
Probably no Diru this year, as my car is being that way. That sucks!! I really wanna see me some cool-ass Kyo! ;_; Maybe next year..... Kyo is so cool. I just want to say that again. He is the master. Of coolness. Or something. He's got a really strange face. I dig that about him. My friend Meagan always talks crap about him. She says he has a "little voice". I adore her, but I want to kick her every time she says that. Wtf does that even mean? I think he has an "outside voice". Lmao. I think it's probably just because she hasn't heard anything by them or something.
I have been trying to get my little hands on the last 2 volumes of the Model manhwas, to no avail. Fuckin publishers...... The 5th one came out in English in like '05, so wtf are they waiting for?! Release the other 2 already!
Also, I randomly decided I want a sewing machine today. I like to make clothes and things, but it is an epic pain in the ass to sew everything by hand. Plus, I kinda suck at it. So--- I want a sewing machine.
Ok thats all! *blow kiss*