So my bedding is all nicked and scratched from this cat. Cissa, didn't you teach it not to use it's claws when on a bed? I'll just owl Mum for new ones
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[Locked from Professors] ...What the fuck is this? Candy Striper? In the Magical Bugs wing...Who came up with this "brilliant" idea? I'd like to place a few curses on them. [//Locked]
I come back from this damned detention and there's this poem letter sitting on my bed. And moments later...there's another owl swooping in and droping off two dozen roses and another poem another letter....
[Private] So I came across a lovely little notebook, the one that malfoy is typically holding on to as if his life depended on it...Interesting contents. Never knew something so...something like that could come out of Malfoy. [/Private]
As for the whole being "nice" ne sais pas.