Somewhat-cheerful Mona is somewhat-cheerful!

Jun 30, 2008 19:25

Brain dump n' stuff. Bullet-pointed for your pleasure.

~ I had a beanside and nilchance on Saturday. They got a little lost and I got to be their Tom-Tom via cell phone. Or Mona-Mona. Whichever. Then they got here and I promptly made them help me take out my garbage because I'm an AWESOME host like that. We MST3Ked 'The Covenant' for a while (ha ha omg SO BAD - yes, it was my DVD) until Boy got home and we went out for orgasmic Italian food where Nilly and I somehow ended up drinking most of the two bottles of wine we all shared (I think it was a conspiracy by our significant-others but can't prove it) and giggled stupidly on my couch for a while after. As usual, spending time with people I like leaves me in an excellent mood. :D

~ This weekend, I cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, and Boy cleaned the living room/dining room/office area and we tag-teamed three loads of sheets/blankets. And I emptied THREE WHOLE BOXES (omg, don't get me started on the shit-ton of stuff left from the flood-move, oh, LAST YEAR...*facepalm*) because I have decided to Commit To Getting Rid Of Stuff I Don't Need Or Use so I don't end up being one of those people who dies in their Hoard, their cats eat their face before the neighbors notice the smell, and the cops have to dig them out of a newspaper and empty-carton maze amidst gawking onlookers and the press (I...this might be a whole detailed visual in my head). These were big boxes too - one about 2ft square and waist high and two 2x2x2. And, within one of these boxes, I randomly found my very favoritist t-shirt that I thought had disappeared for good - it was under a broken x-box. Yeah, I don't know either. Still. \o/

~ So, judging by the dramatic and sustained lift in my mood after every summer solstice, I think I might actually be a plant rather than an animal. It's a working theory. Anyone who plays Sims2 and has had a Sim spontaneously develop Plantism knows what I'm thinking here. Actually...I think I'd kind of like that - I'd be a pleasing shade of green and fulfilling my Needs would simply entail Sunshine, Water, and Love. The idea has merit.

~ I'm addicted to Sudoku since, like, the first time I ever played it. Which was Friday. This is bad. Wow, SO BAD. *facepalm*

~ I still can't even discuss the fact that George Carlin died. My verbal hero, yo. SO SAD.

~ I apparently crochet scrunchies and bath puffs and weird shit like that now. I'm okay with it.

~ I did NOT call or contact my father on Father's Day or since and...I'm okay with that too.

~ I haz an Attack Cat who kills icky, summertime, we-live-in-the-basement bugs for me. I just saw one, barely managed to refrain from girlish shrieking, pointed her at it and about 5-10 min later (she's such a cruel, sadistic thing) DEAD BUG. \o/ Which I took away with a wad of toilet paper and gave her a kitty treat instead. She's vicious, she's violent, but damn she's useful. One day we will replace the digital camera and I shall take crazy-cat-lady video of her leaping and flipping and twisting like a gymnastics gold medalist to catch her milk jug ring woobie in mid-air. It's epic.

~ My job is still boring. *shrug* But I've got work-friends now, so that's nice, and more people are moving into The Dead Land of my cubicle village (there are, like, 12 cubes and only three of us since I moved in this winter). Which is...nice. I think. I know I do better with social stimulation even though what I might think I want is to be left alone to scurry around without ever laying eyes on another human.

I also have a very, very, very adorable Cillian-Murphy-lookin intern (complete with wee suit and glasses) sitting in the cube across from me. ADORABLE. He's the Pro-Bono Intern and working on Native American law (he is of...shit, some NY tribe, I can't remember). And he thinks I'm magic b/c I can unjam the printer in under five seconds. And when he asks me questions or how to do things, he blushes ADORABLY. *sigh* He's such a fetus. I feel old.

New bosslady remains undemanding and laid back. Sweet. I also figured out who she looks like - Patricia Clarkson. Looks just like her, except at a non-Hollywood adult female body weight.

~ I am obsessed with the idea of Dean Winchester coming back from hell all feral and non-verbal and Angel-like and holed up in some abandoned cabin while Sam tries to get through to him. Um. SOMEONE WRITE THIS. SOMEONE NOT ME.

~ I am also utterly obsessed with this song because Wyclef Jean + Paul Simon = Love.

~ This weekend's Doctor Who episode left me INCANDESCENT WITH SQUEE. *vibrates*

~ Boy is bringing home Maggiano's mushroom ravioli tonight when he gets off work. Because he is MADE OF WIN.

~ Crap, I think I've had this tissue in my cleavage since I left the house this morning. Hm. Troubling.

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