So I had my 3d ultrasound today...

Oct 27, 2013 14:52



OMG I was shocked!!! EVERYONE thought I was having a boy, even me. But there she was in all of her girly glory. The best picture is of her holding onto my placenta for dear life giving the u/s tech an ass shot with her legs wide apart LOL. She refused to give a good face shot because of it. That's how she was when I had my 10 week ultrasound. She had her head buried in my placenta.

For those of you who saw this on Facebook, don't say anything yet. I want to see how many people guess before I tell everyone.

I have mixed feelings about this right now. I'm really scared to raise a girl. I won't lie. I feel like I have a long road of battles ahead of me. But, I'm just happy I FINALLY know what I'm having!

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