So. I was going through my old Shepard list. And it was proven wrong as ME3 rolled around:
SANTIAGO [ Spacer; War Hero ] Ashley (lite), Tali (loyal)
Muscle-headed jock with a heart of gold. Stopped pursuing Ashley after Kaidan died.
CHARLES [ Spacer; Ruthless ] Ashley (dead), Miranda (not loyal, but actually fond of) (He might actually keep her... I FIND I'M RUNNING OUT OF VAGINAS FOR HIM.)
Ruthless to the most extreme sense. Willing to sacrifice anyone's life but his own.
NICHOLAS [ Earthborn; Sole Survivor ] Ashley, Jack (loyal) (He couldn't hold onto his sanity, so...), Steve
Traumatized by Akuze. Prone to irritation, and constantly putting his foot in his mouth. If only they'd have let that continue...
DAVID [ Spacer; Sole Survivor ] NOPE nope nope. Maybe Gay? ... Maybe Steve? Kaidan romance. All the way.
Slightly lacking in real personality, thus far, but... Bright and bubbly and cheerful. The generic bleeding-heart femshep concept. But not fem. Per se.
ADRIAN [ Earthborn; Ruthless ] Kaidan, Garrus (Vega?) That's actually accurate... Except that it fails to add back on Kaidan
Moody and practical and self-serving. Well intending, but corruptible.
ELLIE [ Colonist; War Hero ] Liara. Samantha? Oh, god, PLEASE LET HER MAKE OUT WITH ARIA.
Sweet, innocent, trusting, hopeful, optimistic. Very rarely gets irritable.
On that note... uh... hi, LiveJournal.
So basically, between working closing shifts at the call center and sleeping in as much as said shifts allow, I've been turning into a hermit. Somehow, the fact that going out seems meaningless also meant, in my crooked logic, that there was no sense in socializing at all. That, combined with how wrapped up I've gotten in my love life, meant no Mondai. But. That's a bad habit. So I'm gonna stop doing that. Yup.
Having said that, I really am ridiculously, ludicrously in love, and I hate long-distance relationships, they're never a good idea, but this time it's definitely proving to be worth it. I've been happier than I can remember being for... ages, and that's WITH my lack of socialization.
But. I don't feel like ranting for two hours the first time I post in ages, so I'm just gonna leave you with this:
Guild Wars is awesome. Gray's Anatomy has a strange hold on me that I just can't break. My Little Pony may be the best children's show I've seen on air in ages. And I am so. not. ready. for Christmas.
ALSO should be noted, it's really weird, my local-best-friend seems to have shifted to someone that was always mostly just a friend of a friend... Which is... Yeah, weird. And. RELATED THOUGHT: I'm SO getting back into D&D. Rolling characters this Friday so we can start next week OH GOD ♥. Apparently the module we're gonna be running is basically LOST. Hmm...