
Jul 14, 2006 11:33

house of leaves is making me completely insane.  i mean coded footnotes?  i can't put it down, i'm losing sleep over it.  i'm too involved to sleep and too mortified.

one day soon i will have internet again and a phone and i will be able to get back to the real world.  tomorrow i begin building a shed, we'll see how that goes.

yesterday i bought ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

xxlapidatoxx July 14 2006, 19:54:15 UTC
more phone problems, ughh.

i want to read that book when you are done. i think.


mondoholocaust July 14 2006, 22:17:22 UTC

... )


xpantera3x July 15 2006, 05:40:37 UTC
No phone sucks! Trying to get ahold of you two. Do you still have the same wireless number? Well, i called the your old number last week and, i think i hung up Racheal. Anyways ya all should call me.


mondoholocaust July 17 2006, 16:10:37 UTC
they just hooked up my phone on friday or saturday. give us a call!


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