Hey guys! I have been absent for...um, a really long time, doing...stuff. RL stuff. Nothing of import. But now I've got free time again, and it is glorious! So I was trying to finish off this giant dS fic that I've been writing for years at this point, and it wouldn't work, because I was so rusty. So I said, hey, start yourself up slow, why don'
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Something red caught the corner of his eye, and he glanced up automatically to see -- Fraser. Duh. Who the hell else goes around looking like that exact shade of fire truck?
But Fraser was looking a little worse for the wear. Kind of, you know, singed around the edges. Ripped up. A little smudged. "Um, Frase?" he said, half-rising out of his chair. "What happened to you?"
"What, Fraser? What happened?" Ray made a c'mon, c'mon motion, worried.
Abruptly, Fraser turned and walked away.
The look in Fraser's eyes wasn't just fear. There was a haunted, almost not-there quality Ray recognized from countless crime scenes. It was something he'd never expected to see on Fraser's face, and it looked so out of place that it stopped Ray from whatever it was he'd been going to say.
He gently pulled Fraser back toward his desk and sat him down. That Fraser just let him unnerved Ray even further. He sat on the edge of his desk, keeping a hand on Fraser's shoulder, whether for comfort or to keep him from bolting he couldn't say.
Then he realized something, and leaned in to carefully ask, "Fraser... where's Dief?"
...does that answer your question?
*cheers you on, waves pompoms, does cartwheels*
(I know what you mean about rusty, though. I'm writing snippets and it's so freeing to work on something short and finishable, and then to actually post it!)
Dude. Writing fic is hard work. Why did I never realize that before?
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