Out Of Character Information
Name: Grooooooove
Are you over 15?: yais
LJ username:
wefeelgrooveTime zone: GMT+5
AIM: wefeelgroove
E-mail/other contact methods: wefeelgroove at gmail dot com
Anything we should know?: ilu bby
In Character Information
Name: Scrooge McDuck (Uncle Scrooge to some, and occasionally spelled “$crooge”)
Age: OLD. (there is no official age for him)
Birthday: December 24
Game/Series: Kingdom Hearts 2
Staff Member or Student?: Crotchety old coot School accountant
he is a duck in a top hat who swims in a pool of money Roughly the same height as King Mickey, Scrooge is an anthropomorphic white duck, with hands instead of wings, a yellow bill and webbed feet. He sports numerous signs of age- namely his wrinkled brow and the ruffled feathers around the back of his head. His typical facial expression hovers between “angry scowl” and “disapproving glower”. However, when around family, friends or money, his face softens quite a bit, and his smile is akin to the smile of your favorite grandfather/uncle. Despite his age, Scrooge is in excellent physical and mental health, and the cane he always walks with is used more to bop lazy slacker kids on the head than for support.
Scrooge’s typical attire consists of a tophat, pince-nez glasses, spats (but no shoes), a snazzy blue jacket with red trim, and no pants (pff who needs pants?). His awesome steampunk attire is more or less the same, except his snazzy jacket is now a snazzy overcoat over a white dress shirt and black vest, he sports a monocle instead of glasses, and his cane is now a steam-powered pogo stick. He still doesn’t wear pants.
Even after all of his globetrotting, Scrooge has never lost his thick, Scottish accent. His speech is sprinkled with “ach”s and “bah”s when he gets angry or flustered, and he tends to refer to everyone with some variation of “lad” or “lass”. His favorite expression is “Bless me bagpipes!”, whatever that’s supposed to mean.
At first glance, Scrooge is true to his name. He’s a miser, a vicious businessman, and a grouchy old duck. When it comes to money, he is a control freak in the worst way possible. Anything that’s not the bare necessities (to him at least- he has a 46-room mansion in Duckburg, and he’s thinking of expanding) or an investment that will make him even more money is a waste of hard-earned cash, and he will glare at you disapprovingly if he catches you making any frivolous purchases, even if it’s none of his damn business. Charities avoid him like the plague despite his obscene wealth, as one of his favorite hobbies is inventing new and humiliating ways to kick solicitors out of his home.
Scrooge isn’t entirely heartless, though. Despite his reputation as am aggressive business shark, he has a deep-rooted sense of honesty that keeps him from being a completely greedy bastard. He will never resort to lying, cheating, or other dishonest tactics to make money or get what he wants, and highly disapproves of those who do. HOWEVER, he doesn’t do it out of the goodness of his own heart. Scrooge is a cynic, claiming that he believes bad people turn good only in fairy tales, and he’s old enough not to believe in fairy tales. He lives his life as honestly as he can for his own benefit- in order to avoid guilt and to look back and say that he was at least better than those other scallywags!
He’s notably softer around the edges when he’s around friends and family (and money), as they are all people who know him and his various quirks, therefore they all know how to avoid ticking him off. Family is probably the one thing in the world that means more to Scrooge than money, and he would gladly give up everything if it meant not losing anyone. But he’ll be damned if he’ll openly admit that to anyone.
Scrooge loves a challenge, whether it is a bold new business venture or a perilous quest to uncover lost treasure. His stubbornness and pride drive him to constantly push himself to the limit and he absolutely refuses to back down even in the most hopeless of situations. Scrooge thrives on adventure and can’t stand to be idle- he has been known to grow depressed during periods of inactivity.
More than anything, though, Scrooge is just a crazy old loon who thinks he’s younger than he is.
Scrooge is the very definition of a self-made man. Er, duck. He never had any formal education, but instead worked as a shoe shiner in his youth on the streets. One day, a customer tipped him with a foreign coin that was pretty much useless to him, which sent him flying into a rage. Rather than let his bitterness get the best of him, Scrooge decided to take it as a sign that it was high time he go out into the world and seek his fortune.
And what a fortune it was! After immigrating to Disney Castle, he clawed his way up the financial ladder until he became known as the richest duck in all of the known worlds. He keeps a small portion of his total wealth in his favorite money bin, that he visits on a regular basis to bask in its financial glow.
Even after securing his title, Scrooge still yearned for something more, but he didn’t want to risk losing any money. So he came to a compromise- treasure hunting! Not only could he do something exciting and dangerous, but also he could make even more money doing it! Scrooge ventured across the worlds, seeking lost riches from around the universe. Around this time was when he met King Mickey, who was also looking for an adventure, and together the two of them traveled the worlds in the Gummi Ship until the Heartless appeared. After going their separate ways, Scrooge returned to Disney Castle and business as usual.
It wasn’t long until the Heartless were defeated, and you can bet that Scrooge was there to see if he could make money off it somehow. He decided to help out with the restoration of Hollow Bastion, and by “help out” I mean, “buy up half the town while the real estate’s cheap”. He was sitting pretty on his newest pile of money when Mickey approached him with an offer he couldn’t refuse.
Canon Standing:
Scrooge was picked up after the events of Kingdom Hearts 2. He owns half of Radiant Garden and has a successful business selling sea-salt ice cream, among other investments.
The Calling:
Scrooge and Mickey go way back. Long before the Heartless appeared, they traveled from world to world together in the Gummi Ship, in search of adventure and, in Scrooge’s case, new business ventures. They parted ways when Mickey set out to learn more about the coming darkness, but have remained in contact ever since. When Mickey set about choosing people to staff Zenithia, he knew at once who would be the best for the task of keeping track of the school’s expenses. Scrooge, always looking for a good financial challenge, accepted the offer immediately. After all, what could be more exciting than balancing the budget for a castle the size of a moon? However, he made it clear that he would only accept under two conditions: 1. That he would have access to all of his current businesses and investments while at the school (can’t get lazy, doncha know) and 2. He could relocate his cherished money bin to the school grounds.
Anything Else?:
-Steam-powered pogo-stick cane. Don’t ask me how it works, it just DOES. also his monocle shoots lasers
-Scrooge can balance a checkbook at the speed of sound.
-AWESOME SCOTTISH ACCENT. To save my sanity he won’t type journal entries with his accent, but you’ll definitely see it in dialogue and such. BLESS ME BAGPIPES.
HERE IS A PICTURE, DERP. In Character Example Post
Think you can fool an old duck with this contraption, now? I’m not as old-fashioned as you would have me be! Of course I know what a computer is! Any investor worth his salt keeps on top of the latest tools, and that’s all a computer is, doncha know! Well, his majesty wants me to use this confounded thing to keep a personal journal! Blasted waste of time, I say! I haven’t got all day to piddle around writing in a diary when I’ve got the expenses of this entire place to look after!
Ach! Look at all this mess I’ve written! I’ve got to get to work!