Title: Down (Hyukjae Solo Performance)
Fluff, Romance
Author’s Note: inspired by this picture taken by a fan in SS3 Manila.
[credits to the rightful owner]
“Baby don’t worry, you’ll be my only Hae.”
“You’re not going to flirt up there, are you?” Donghae asks Eunhyuk whose getting ready for his solo performance in Super Show 3 Manila.
“Are you kidding me Hae? I’m just going to dance and perform, that’s all. I’m not going to flirt up there.” Eunhyuk rolled his eyes. Here they go again… Donghae’s number two sickness aside from his number one which is over-possessiveness- is jealousy and lack of trust in him.
Donghae on the other hand, was scared. He was just scared that the fans will fall for him even more once they saw him how great he was, now that he has a solo. And no, he’s not scared about Eunhyuk getting all his Filipina fans. He was scared that the fans will take Eunhyuk away from him. And he can’t let that happen. And so he decided to watch him with his full concentration on his solo.
“You better be,” Donghae then scare fully eyed his best friend-slash-boyfriend. “Because I will definitely be watching,” and Donghae went out of their waiting room first, going to the back stage.
Eunhyuk, on the other hand, tilted his head and followed Donghae after. And before his solo performance starts, he pulled Donghae to the darkest part of the back stage and kissed him passionately.
“I’ll show you that I only have you, Lee Donghae.” He gummy smiled. “Baby don’t worry, you’ll be my only Hae~” He sings and kissed him once again before going to the stage to perform.
Donghae, on the other hand was about to stop Eunhyuk from performing. The hell he cares if his solo got canceled. All he cared right now is Eunhyuk, going to perform in front of their fans. Yes. He was jealous and obviously, his over-possessive gills starts arising.
“What if he winked at a girl there? What if he flying kisses someone he obviously doesn’t know there? What if-sheesh! I’ll just watch him!”
Donghae then anxiously went to a spot where he can see Eunhyuk with full attention. And he doesn’t know why he fell in love all over again with him, watching him perform like that, giving an awesome and beautiful performance.
He even sung together with him, obviously drowned by the wonderful performance.
He’ll now believe in Eunhyuk. He’ll believe him.
Donghae then saw Eunhyuk looks at his spot and winked at him and even gave him a flying kiss.
His smile then turns into a grin and he can’t stop giggling after.
Well, he’s in love that’s why.
Baby don’t worry, you’ll be my only… no need to worry… even if the sky is falling down~
MonGoFi♫TOT: i know i failed on this drabble... but i hope you enjoyed reading!!! Comments are LOVED!! ♥