I'm assuming this is Mallory? I mean, I'm just super excited for you. And I'm not going to lie, UVA is still like a million ranks higher than Miami too. I just think it's funny comparing the two...
Although I'm not sure you meant it, this journal entry sounded VERY condescending to OU and to its students. Many of us work hard, and appreciate the quality education that OU provides, as well as the inexpensive nature of in state tuition. Just thought I'd voice my opinion.
Hey, thanks for your input. I didn't mean it to offend you, or any of your fellow OUers. It's been hard watching Mal be so miserable at times and not being able to do anything about it. Naturally, after watching someone that is soooo close to me go through that much at OU and because of OU, I've developed an extreme hostility to it as an institution. That doesn't at all mean that I think it's a horrible place for others to be, just that I'm glad Mallory can escape from the horrible time that she has had. In my excitement I neglected to clarify my thoughts on the issue. Again, I apologize for coming off as rude and offensive.
I got out of OU but it wasn't right for me. Lots of great and caring people go there but I can understand Mallory's decision to leave. However, there is nothing better in the world than shively grab n' go market or the TCOM kids. Period. Thug love from the ghetto, Cullie
Comments 8
Thug love from the ghetto,
Mal :)
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