Name: *³Monica*³
Nickname: *³Mont*³
Birthday: *³June 13*³
Birthplace: *³Richlands, VA*³
Current mood: *³Sleepy*³
Current music: *³None*³
Current taste: *³Mountain Dew *³
Current hair: *³ Down *³
Current clothes: *³ PJ Pants *&* Justins Baseball Shirt =) *³
Current annoyance: *³ None *³
Current smell: *³ None *³
Current thing I ought to be doing: *³ Sleeping! *³
Current windows open: *³ Livejournal *³
Current desktop picture: *³ Me *&* Justin *³
Current favorite band: *³ None *³
Current book: *³ Chicken Soup For The *Girlfriends* Soul *³
Current cd in stereo: *³ A Burnt One *³
Current crush: *³ Justin ;) *³
Current favorite celeb: *³ I dunno!? *³
Current hate: *³ nothing really! *³
=Do I=
Smoke?: *³ No *³
Do drugs?: *³ No *³
Have sex?: *³ That's A Little Personal ;) *³
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: *³ Not the same DREAM, but it has the same meaning! *³
Remember your first love?: *³I'm In Love Now, Who Cares About The Past! ;) *³
Still love him/her?: *³ See ^ Above*³
Read the newspaper?: *³No..*³
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: *³ No *³
Believe in miracles?: *³ Yes! *³
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: *³ Yes =) *³
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: *³ Some People...Not Everyone Though =/ *³
Like the taste of alcohol?: *³ No, I think it's nasty! *³
Have a favorite candy?: *³ Not really a favorite, but I do love Kit Kat BIG Kats! haha *³
believe in astrology?: *³ Not Really But I Read It Anyway *³
Believe in magic?: *³ No *³
Believe in God?: *³ Yes *³
Have any pets: *³Yes, *Abbie *&* Spike* my 2 dogs! *³
Go to or plan to go to college: *³ Going in a few months! :( *³
Have any piercings?: *³ Ears *&* Belly Button *³
Have any tattoos?: *³ Nope *³
Hate yourself: *³ No *³
Have an obsession?: no
Have a secret crush?: *³No *³
Do they know yet?: See ^ Above
Have a best friend?: *³ Yeah, Justin *&* Kristin Dawn *³
Wish on stars?: *³ I Have...*³
Care about looks?: *³ To A Certain Extent! *³
=Love life=
First crush: *³ I Don't Really Remember My *1st* Crush *³
First kiss: *³ ?? It Was Forever Ago! *³
Single or attached?: *³ Very much attached *&* happy! =) *³
Ever been in love?: *³ I Am Now!! *³
Do you believe in love at first sight?: *³ Nope *³
Do you believe in "the one?": *³ Yes ;) *³
Describe your ideal significant: *³ Someone that can not only be your boyfriend/girlfriend but also your best friend. Someone that can put you first whenever its needed, someone trustworthy *&* who trusts you...Okay so i just described Justin ;) haha *³
=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? *³ No, I Don't Think So*³
Have you ever been intoxicated?: *³ Yeah, but I didn't like! *³
Favorite place to be kissed?: *³Lips *&* Forehead *³
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": *³ Haha.....*³
Are you a tease?: *³ No. *³
Shy to make the first move?: *³ Yes...but not anymore since I've been with Justin for so long, i've loosened up a lil! =) haha*³
=Word association=
Rubber: Ball
Rock: And Roll
Green: Eggs and Ham!
Wet: Paint?? haha
Cry: Me A River!
Peanut: Shells
Hay: is for horses...haha okay, i suck at this!
Cold: As A Cucumber!
Steam: -ing Hott
Fast: Break
Freaky: Friday! haha
Rainy: Weather
Bite: me?
Fuck: ....?
Blow: ????
Hair: *³Shoulder Length *&* Dark Blonde*³
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'8''
Bought: *³Jeans *&* A Shirt!*³
Ate & Drank: *³Yellow Cake *&* Milk *³
Read: *³ Actual Book, The Wedding, Nicholas Sparks *³
Watched on tv: *³The Bachelorette*³
--EITHER / OR:--
club or house party: Umm, Club (Carrie ---> We're Offically Retired From Gilligans Now!)
beer or cider: Neither
drinks or shots: If I liked to drink...drinks but neither really!
cats or dogs: dogs
single or taken: taken! =)
pen or pencil: pen
gloves or mittens: gloves
food or candy: both
cassette or cd: cd
coke or pepsi: pepsi
this or that: this
kill: Ahh, theres a few! haha j/k
get really wasted with: nobody
look like: me, i guess!
be like: me...
avoid: nobody really!
annoy: yet again, nobody!
talked to: My mom
hugged: Justin! =)
instant messaged: I dont even remember...its been so long since i've been on the net! haha
kissed: Justin! ;)
eat: Kitchen..
cry: On my bed!
wish you were: With Justin!
Dated one of your best friends? Yeah
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Yesssss
Drank alcohol? Yeah
Done drugs? Nope
Broken the law? I used to drive up my papaws holler without my learners or license, *&* underage drinking :( but nothing else that i can think of!
Run away from home?Nope haha
Broken a bone? Yeah, my thumb.
Played Truth Or Dare? haha yeah, i used to all the time, when i was little! haha
Kissed someone you didn't know? No...
Been in a fight? Nope
Come close to dying? Not really!
--WHAT IS:--
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? Probably my Backstreet Boys CD from like 4th grade! haha
Your bedroom like?: ...It's pink *&* Yellow, ummm..
Your favorite thing for breakfast? Gravy *&* Biscuits or Bacon, Egg, *&* Cheese Biscuits!
Your favorite restaurant?: Right now probably El Compansio in Lebanon (sp) haha!
What's on your table beside you?: I dont have a table beside me!
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: Umm...depends on my mood!
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: ????
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: a boob job haha, even though i'd never actually do it! haha
What's your biggest fear?: losing someone i'm close to, dying, graduating, *&* the dark!
What feature are you most insecure about?: My feet!
Do you ever have to beg?: Yeah.
Are you a pyromaniac?: No.
Do you have too many love interests?: No
Crushes? No
Do you know anyone famous?: No
Describe your bed: RIght now since my waterbed busted, i just have a lil twin mattress!
Spontaneous or plain?: A little of both i guess!
Do you know how to play poker?: Nope, haha Sad, I know!
What do you carry with you at all times?: Nothing really
How do you drive?: Pretty good, I guess!
What do you miss most about being little?: Biggest wants being a new barbie/toy!
Are you happy with your given name?: I guess!
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: Not much really cuz i never get on the internet anyway!
What color is your bedroom?: Pink *&* Yellow!
What was the last song you were listening to?: Toy Soliders, Eminem, It was on TV!
Do you talk a lot?: Sometimes, depends on who I'm around.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: Yeah, i guess
Do you think you're cute?: No, not really!
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? No.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: Yeah, to most people..
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: Def. with Justin!
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?:Uhh...