Title: The Walking Dead (HoMin Edition)
Pairings: HoMin, SeKai, 2Min
monick87 &
dc_flagLength: 3/?
Genre: AU
Warnings: Mpreg, zombies, violence, smut, blood, character death, dark themes, angst
Rate: NC-17
Disclaimer: We do not own The Walking Dead series nor TVXQ.
Summary: What would you do to protect your beloved ones and survive in a world overrun by
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Comments 27
Can't wait for more interactions between people in the camp.
Loving this!
Oh God, the mental image of them chopping the dead and put blood on changmin's coat was so disturbing... I had to forced my brain to not imagining it,huhu.
I can't wait for the next installment to see how this is gonna develop. I cannot handle if they somehow got infected or die...
Thank God for the moment that they somehow manage to escape from the city.
Can't wait for homin moments.
P/s : please don't make them die on each other.
Thank you!
poor min, it must have been really tough for him
i can't imagine the surprise and joy on Yun's face when he finds out about their love child
:D thanks!
im so happy for them ;~;
i cant wait to read what happens next!
i'll be waiting for the next update <333
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