I sniffled through the "One Wedding and a Funeral" episode of 90210 ("Brandon! Look what they did to her, Brandon!") and finished up this fic that's been kicking around in my head all day.
Can't wait for Doctor Who at 9!
Title: "Redefinition" 1/1
Author: monimala
Fandom: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Rating/Classification: R for some language and sex, Derek with some Derek/Sarah thrown in.
Word count: 650
Disclaimer: Not my characters, no profit, etc.
Summary: Takes place shortly after the end of season one. There are a lot of things Derek tries not to think about.
Sitting on a bench watching himself play ball with Kyle isn't healthy. Derek knows that, even if spending half his goddamn life in the tunnels has completely skewed his definition of "healthy." Surviving a day on the surface without getting gutshot…*that's* healthy. Not getting too attached to the metal… *that's* healthy. That's what you do to survive.
This… slouching against the splintered wood of the picnic table, letting ice cream drip down the cone and all over his hand… he doesn't know what it is.
He's been back a dozen times since he brought John. Women pushing their strollers speed up when they walk past him, like he's some kind of pervert or wino. Once, a man from a church shelter pressed a flier into his hand and said, "We're here if you need help." When he'd looked down at the piece of yellow paper he'd crumpled up without even thinking about it, it was for an outreach program for soldiers just home from Iraq. The guy, dumb but well meaning, had recognized the crazy look of war in his eyes.
He, the other he, hasn't noticed it. No, when the other Derek is out here with his baby brother, all they do is play. Oblivious to the world. Sometimes they wrestle in the grass until Kyle cries, "Uncle! Uncle!" Derek tries not to think about how John would sound if he said the same word.
There are a lot of things Derek tries not to think about.
Like the fact that John didn't ask where he found the extra skin for the machine. The fact that Cameron has her hair back and her voice back, too, and somewhere in the last three weeks, Sarah lost the tight look around her mouth and looked in on John in the garage like she was looking at *two* of her kids.
No, he doesn't think about that at all.
When the baseball rolls too close to his foot, he picks up and lobs it back at Kyle, who grins at him and waves. The kid's too trusting for his own good… equating familiarity with safety. It' won't be long before either of them learns there's no such thing.
The house is quiet, too quiet, and he checks the clip on his gun twice before he puts it on the nightstand. Just so he can hear the click echo throughout the bedroom. It's comforting, the noise. *They* don't make noise, not the good ones anyway, and that was always the first indicator that you were about to get your head blown off.
Whenever they fuck, Sarah tries so hard to stay silent… hyperaware that John's somewhere in the house, that he might hear, that he might know, but she can't help herself. She makes little sounds, gasps, moans, and tells him what she likes, what she wants him to do, how she wants him to lick her pussy right.fucking.now. Like she's a general commanding her troops. It's comforting, too. And he loves the irony of taking orders from another Connor.
Derek moves over her, pinning her wrists to the pillows above her head. She doesn't ask him where he's been. She never wants to know anymore. She doesn't care if he's been out burying bodies, robbing liquor stores, or playing ball in the park with ghosts. She doesn't wonder why his mouth tastes like mint chocolate chip. She just admits that she likes rocky road better.
"Next time I'll bring you some."
"Two scoops. In a cup."
He doesn't know if that means she trusts him. He knows he sure as Hell still doesn't trust her. He sinks into her anyway, as deep as he can go, until she hisses because it hurts a little and then nudges her heel against his hip because it doesn't hurt enough.
It's not healthy.
Not by a long shot.
It's just what they do to survive.
May 9, 2008