GLEE sucks.
I think this is ridiculous. Of course Saint Kurt is never petty and is always right and he can see how Rachel is wrong (a Diva, wanting to do topless, but not being ready, hanging out with "shallow" easily impressed gays, etc.), but is always perfectly right, though he himself is young and dramatic and whatnot.
Of course Santana dropped of school. (Thank goodness she isn't taking that job. She needs to be in school and get a life.)
Of course Kurt beat Rachel - even though she is clearly more talented. And he gives her a pep-talk, wherein he gets to remind her she is insufferable, but still oh-so-great, don't-give-up.
Of course stupid Finn kissed Emma. Because that was a good idea at all, ever. Asshole.
Of course Santana and Brittany are just a tad disregarded. Lots of attitude and drama, but it's never really about them, is it? Weren't they like best friends? Weren't they in love? I am all for healthy relationships and moving on, but maybe a little heartache? We got Blaine and Kurt and Rachel and Finn for episodes - including this episode. Maybe we can get a little more than 'possessive' for them?
I miss Mercedes. And Quinn. And Mike. And Sue. We need more Sue. And more Artie-singing.
I don't really miss Puck, because he's been around. And been dumb. Shocker. *@.@*
Thank goodness Tina got a song. Too bad it wasn't that great and she's in love with Blaine and she's mad at him when it is all in her head.
Thank goodness Santana moved to NYC. (Didn't call that or anything. ^^)
The song choices were just...'meh'.