Name: MAHree
Birthdate: Jan. 15, 1990
Birthplace: Winston-Salem NC
Current Location: Winston-Salem NC
Eye color: blue
Hair color: brown
Height: 5'5 or something like that.
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Your Heritage: I dont know.
The Shoes You Wore Today: My little black shoes with the flower on them.
Your Weakness: I tend to fall for people rather easily
Your Fears: Bears, losing the people I love, Tornados, and large dogs.
Your Perfect Pizza: BBQ chicken
One thing You'd Like to Achieve: I'd like to have one realationship work out the way I wanted it to.
What is your most overused phrase?: "GaHd." , "friggin idiot", and "Fuck"
Your first thoughts waking up: Fuck, I have to go to school.
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes, smile.
Your best physical features: Perhaps my eyes?
Your bedtime: I'm usually asleep by 11.
Greatest Fear: I answered this already.
Your Most Missed Memory: Ummm... I dont know. Last summer I guess.
x DO YOU? x
smoke?: no
Cuss?: Yeah
Sing Well?: No
Do you think you've been in love?: Yeah, and I still am.
Want to go to college: Not really, though I prolly will.
Liked High School?: Not alot. I hate school for the most part.
Want to get married?: No, I dont want to be tied down like that.
Type with fingers on the right keys: No.
Get motion sickness: Yeah
Think you're attractive: No
Think you're a health freak: No.
Get along with parents: Most of the time we get along ok.
Like Thunderstorms: Sometimes
played a game that required removal of clothing?: No
had sex?: Nope
given a blow job?: No
had some eat you out?: No
had a three-some?: No
Been Drunk?: No
Been so wasted you dont remember what happend?: No
Hallucinated?: Yeah, alot.
Been caught "doing something"?: Yeah
Been Called a "Tease": Yeah
Shoplifted?: I used to have a real problem with that.
peed your pants?: I was afraid of the bathroom.
cheated on someone?: Kind-of?
been KiSSED: Yeah, Ive been kissed. You idiot.
had plastic surgery? No
failed a grade?: No
been in a relationship?: yeah
been constipated?: LMAO. Yes.
broke someone's heart?: I think so, not sure on that.
had your heart br0ken?: Uhhh, Eric, Derek. Helllllo.
had a dream come true?: Yeah, but it turned into hell.
asked someone out?: Yeah
picked your nose?: Yepp
been in love?: I am right now. I remember being asked this earlier... hmmm.
done something you regret?: YES. something I did yesterday, infact.
had a wart?: No
broken a body part?: No
broken the law? Yeah
ran away from home?: Yeah to
snuck out of the house?: Lots of times
ever gone skinny dipping?: Yeah
tipped over a portapotty?: I tried to.
skipped school before?: Many times. Last tuesday, for one.
fell asleep in the shower/bath: Yeah.
been in a school play: Yeah
had a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yeah
have a hard time getting over someone: Yeah..
gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: Umm. Yes, sadly.
thing you ate: Chocolate covered fortune cookies
thing you drank: Milk
thing you wore: My shirt, skirt and pants
place you went: Home
thing you got pierced/tattooed: Both of my ears are periced three times.
person you saw: Kristy
person you kissed: Drew
person you fxcked: Noone
person you talked to: Derek
song you heard: I dont know the name of it. Some indie band.
what are you eating: Nada
what are you drinking: water
what are you wearing: I already answered this question
any shoes on: No
hat: No, I dont actually have a hat.
listening to: I dont know the name of it. Some indie band.
talking to anyone: Derek