Man, I hate having to cut things, but this is so worth it. >D
monkey_mage's Halloween party:
0x_envy_x0 dressed as the Fair Power Ranger.
69_hex gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as a slick marriage.
___ds_ dressed as a linebacker for the Chiefs, though it looked more like a pitcher for the Rockies.
___echizen dressed as a third baseman for the Giants.
_ad_lucem dressed as a pirate.
_alittlelonger dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
_bitterswt dressed as a character from "Dog Day Afternoon".
_data_man dressed as the Modern Power Ranger.
_hammertime dressed as Ted Williams.
_kawaishizuka_ dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
_magickitty dressed as Lt. Cmdr. Data from "Star Trek".
_platina_tigris dressed as a ghost.
_princeling dressed as the Archbishop of Prototul.
_reachforastar dressed as a witch.
_rendmyheart dressed as a pool.
_rinali_ dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Constant Furnace.
_sniperjones dressed as something easy, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
_straydog_ dressed as your aunt.
_tensaimagic dressed as Optimus Prime.
_tsunade_hime dressed as the Governor of Georgia.
_v_i_v_i_ dressed as Scotty from "Star Trek", and it suited them disturbingly well.
_wicked_dragon dressed as Optimus Prime.
aino_aphrodite dressed as the love child of Robin Williams and Britney Spears.
alinesaysall dressed as the Governor of Maine.
alpha_hasseno dressed as the King of Denmark.
art_magic_love didn't dress up, spoilsport.
artistic_un dressed as the Famous Power Ranger.
bags_under_eyes dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Amateur Leader.
blacklight_rave dressed as the Cardinal of Michelle River.
blackoxen dressed as something large, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
buchou_on_broom dressed as a kicker for the Lions.
c3h5n3o91_baby dressed as a angel.
creepy_curser dressed as Alicia Keys's mother.
cursed_secret dressed as Kobe Bryant riding a camel, and it suited them disturbingly well.
dada_class dressed as Serena Williams, and it suited them all too well.
dance_is_magic dressed as a new superhero: Vector Fire.
dancing_dolls_ dressed as Zachary Taylor.
dib_wizard dressed as Barney the dinosaur.
dragon_katana dressed as Dr. Crusher from "Star Trek".
ezel_berbier dressed as a dog.
fated_animagus dressed as a lazy devil.
fayt_not_fate dressed as Rush Limbaugh.
fiery_fighter dressed as a bottle of Cyclodade.
foulimpression didn't dress up, spoilsport.
frank_archer dressed as David Letterman.
fshu_mamushi dressed as a executive corporate spy superintendent.
fujismiles forgot to put on clothes!
furumuun_melody dressed as a mummy.
g_e_n_i_u_s dressed as a bottle of Trihfrimax.
gazwitch dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Delores, though it looked more like Nadja Auermann riding a hedgehog.
gon_freecs dressed as a badger.
gryffindor_jou dressed as Beyonce Knowles's grandfather.
guitar_flight dressed as Osama bin Laden.
happy_lucky dressed as someone called "Marianne Lacey", but you've never heard of them before.
heian_teacher dressed as the equator.
helba___ dressed as Barney the dinosaur.
herb_master dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Treaty of Calamity.
hereiam_ty dressed as a bottle of Vuerix.
hersheyfixation dressed as a new superhero: Robot Flash.
hikari___ dressed as someone called "Fredrick Minchin", but you've never heard of them before.
hinamori_ dressed as the main character of "Lost in Translation".
hitomihoshino dressed as James Buchanan.
hitsugaya_ dressed as a cast.
hitsuji_ dressed as Dave Chappelle's brother.
huffle21 dressed as George Washington.
huffy_ninja dressed as Jennifer Lopez.
i_do_teh_magics dressed as William Henry Harrison.
ice_flwrz dressed as the Hot Power Ranger.
ice_ice_babie dressed as something deadly, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
ice_magic dressed as the White Power Ranger.
icha_paradise dressed as Rainier Wolfcastle.
ichiban_yukinon dressed as a Level 1 sorcerer.
imafuckinwizard dressed as a mineral goblin.
iron_maiden_gal dressed as a pimp.
ishtar_san dressed as Shania Twain riding a raccoon.
just_jack_savvy dressed as a eagle.
jyoka_sama dressed as the main character of "The Bridge on the River Kwai".
k1ra_yamat0 dressed as Estella Warren.
k_t_pureblood dressed as something downward, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
kabaji_ didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
kairi_n didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
kamio_is_rhythm dressed as a catcher for the Expos, though it looked more like a cigarette.
karaoke_pirates dressed as Johnny Depp.
kickass_novels dressed as Anna Nicole Smith.
kickassninja dressed as Ted Williams.
kindnessbubbles dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Ranger of Cabery.
king_kon dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
kinokoko dressed as Benjamin Harrison.
kirukun dressed as Elsa Benitez.
kissmeiminsane dressed as someone called "Mamie Bruntz", but you've never heard of them before, though it looked more like Butt-head.
komui_niichan dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Gabriel.
kuro_git dressed as a second baseman for the White Sox.
larva_ismybitch dressed as your cousin.
leafmagic dressed as a quarterback for the Rams.
lightning_baby dressed as a safety for the Raiders.
lock_nloll dressed as a strength.
lonely_willow didn't dress up, spoilsport.
love_my_niichan dressed as Chekov from "Star Trek", though it looked more like a firefighter.
lucky_perv dressed as a fair victory.
luff_teh_bunny dressed as a ferret.
lustful_witch dressed as a deer.
madam_sorceress dressed as your cousin, and it suited them all too well.
magical_pink didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
magical_taichi dressed as your grandmother.
magicgoggleboy dressed as a twin vampire.
mahoukaitou dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
marimowizard dressed as Denzel Washington riding a skunk.
mata_raishu dressed as a Sad Mac.
mister_demon dressed as Optimus Prime.
mizukiknows_all dressed as a new superhero: Tomorrow Soarer.
mmyes_applepie didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
my_better_ha1f dressed as a executive corporate spy director.
naruto_kyuubi dressed as a sword.
negi_magi dressed as Ted Williams.
not_short dressed as a Dixon, Childers & BlankenshipLtd. employee.
oh_teacakes dressed as Optimus Prime, and it suited them disturbingly well.
onigiri_ai dressed as a Level 1 wizard.
orangecomplex dressed as Trent Reznor.
pansygum dressed as a computer.
peaceful_tiger dressed as Herbert Hoover.
perfect_wizard dressed as the King of Egypt.
picture_prefect dressed as the love child of Tom Clancy and Catherine Zeta-Jones.
pinkhufflebunny gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as a Pelles, Hatfield & RogersCorp. employee.
placebo47 dressed as a skeleton.
poisonous_akki dressed as a third baseman for the Royals.
potions_lj dressed as a new superhero: Yellow Wombat.
prodigious_boy dressed as a Level 11 barbarian.
prof_mem dressed as Julia Roberts.
prof_puppy dressed as Oprah Winfrey.
professor_howl dressed as a character from "Return of the Jedi".
purebloodatobe dressed as the Archbishop of New Valdrus.
purple_radiance dressed as Oprah Winfrey.
quillandblade dressed as a selfish blanket.
royal_trickster dressed as a witch.
ryujin_doctor dressed as the Lord of Agilgin.
sadisticprince dressed as the Governor of Illinois.
sakura_hime2 dressed as a Byrne & Gerke RailroadAmalgamated employee.
sakura_rpg dressed as Hurricane Roberta.
sakura_witch dressed as a puffy approximation.
sasori_akasuna dressed as a 1970's disco child, and it suited them disturbingly well.
seducing_poison dressed as the equator.
seilin_kenga dressed as Jennifer Lopez.
serpent_spells dressed as the King of Uzbekistan.
sesshoumaru__ dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Bitter Hunter.
shadow_enmity dressed as Jerry Seinfeld.
shu_stalks_j00 dressed as Michael Schumacher's sister.
sir_angstalot dressed as Tiffani-AmberThiessen, though it looked more like a new superhero: Blue Bull.
sly_ren dressed as a bottle of Jerinosere.
slytherin_ace dressed as Mace Windu.
smexy_shinigami dressed as a Level 7 bard.
snapburnoops dressed as a East & BraamsCorp. employee.
snape_head dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Violent Mercenary, and it suited them all too well.
soothing_melody dressed as the President of New Caledonia.
sora_nottamonky dressed as a llama.
sortinghat_npc dressed as a cave.
specimen_0172 dressed as a Sad Mac.
stigmata_geek dressed as the Lord of Old Hannibalfield, though it looked more like Halle Berry riding a bear.
striven_soldier dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Samantha.
subaku_brat dressed as a skunk.
sugarfreedevil dressed as Gerald Ford.
sum_quid_vides dressed as the Earl of Allan Beach.
tachikawa__hime dressed as a 1970's disco child.
takeru_hope dressed as a thief.
tamao_tamamura dressed as the love child of Conan O'Brien and Anna Kournikova.
tatatte_kureru dressed as a 1990's grunge child.
tatsuki_arisawa dressed as a Hair & Cloutier Holdings, Incorporated employee.
teatime dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Goober Burgerkisser".
thepinkparasol dressed as an iPod.
timorous_tiger dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Doofus Girdleshorts".
tincankitten dressed as a skeleton.
tomboymermaid dressed as Brad Pitt riding a turkey.
twilight_spell dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Fluffy Gigglebrains".
underahazymoon dressed as the Governor of Idaho.
unit_667_albedo dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Brooke, and it suited them all too well.
uryuu_pwns_you dressed as a AshleysoftCompany employee.
walkonedge dressed as Ted Williams.
wanwan_wizardry dressed as a Gullie & BulkeleyCompany employee.
waterboy_wizard dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Fearless Artist.
wee_witch didn't dress up, spoilsport.
white_eyed_girl dressed as Vanna White.
wolf_of_ice dressed as a C&B Ranch employee.
wolf_whistle dressed as a part-time trade show booth bunny.
yachiru_sama dressed as Chewbacca.
yay_selphiet dressed as a help desk supervisor.
yoiko_hibiki dressed as Britney Spears.
yoru1_shihouin dressed as the love child of Eddie Murphy and Oprah Winfrey.
yuetsukan dressed as a devil.
zakeru_magic dressed as the Marquis of Toplepthere.
zero_yamato dressed as a head.
zombie_lady_ dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Total Lightning.
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