Full Name: Melanie Lynne Olson
Single or Taken: Single
Birthday: August 18,1988
Siblings: one
Eye color: brown
Shoe size: 9-10
Height: five nine
Innie or Outie: innie
What are you wearing right now: track pants and yearbook shirt
Job: McDonald's
Where do you live: Freeland
Righty or lefty: LEFT
Can you make a dollar in change right now: probaly
Who are your closest friends: Laure, Kate and some others
Do you have a BF or GF?: No
Best place to go for a date: Dinner, Movie and probally just hanging out with each other
favorite place to shop: American Eagle or whatever place has things i like
FavoriteOrange and Green
Number(s): 18
Boys Name: Conner, Erik
Girls Name: Emma,
Animal: Dog, Monkey
Drink: Pepsi and Water
Sport(s): Tennis, Bowling, Soccer, Basketball, Football
Fast-Food Place: Subway, Taco Bell
Month: August or December
Movie: The Notebook, Uptown Girls and alot more.
Juice: Apple
Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs
Favorite cartoon character: Tweety or Scully
Have you ever
Given anyone a bath: No
Smoked: NO
Bungee: No but i think i want to
Made yourself throw-up: No
Gone skinny dipping: No
Eaten a dog: NEVER
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: probaly
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: no
Broken a bone: no
Been in a physical fight: no
Been in a police car: no
Been on a plane: no but i will be next year : )
Come close to dying: Yes
been in a sauna: yes
been in a hot tub: yes
swam in the ocean: yes
Fallen asleep in school: yes
Ran away?: Yea to the neighboors
Broken someone's heart: No
Cried when someone died: Yes : (
Cried in school: Yea
Fell off your chair: yes
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: yes
Saved AIM conversations: yes
Saved e-mails:yes
Fallen for one of your best friends: no
Made out with JUST a friend?: no
Used someone: yes
Been cheated on?: no
What is...
Your good luck charm: my necklace from my aunt sharon
Best song you ever heard: because of you: Kelly Clarkson, Paper Heart: All American Rejects
What's your room like: it used to be movie until i moved
What is beside you: homework
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Suave
Best thing(s) that has happened to you this year: Becoming better friends with somepeople, getting accepted into Project Close Up and NHS
Worst thing(s) that has happened to you this year: my grandma dieing
Chicken pox: yes
Sore Throat: yes
Stitches: no
Broken nose: no
Believe in love at first sight: No...i dont think so
Like picnics: yes
Like school: yea
What schools have you gone to: Preschool untill now Freeland School District
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000?: Sick but yea
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: My closet and dearest friends : )
Who was the last person that you called: Laure
Who was the last person you slow danced with: Ethan i believe
What makes you laugh the most: Kate and Laure
What makes you smile?: Laure, Kate, and other random things
Last person you yelled at: um.... i dont quite remember
Last person who told you they loved you: My mumsie
Is your loudest friend?: TIVA
Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out: Sure.
Do you wear contacts or glases: Yea
Do you like yourself: yea
do you get along with your family: Yea
Stolen anything: um.....
Obsessive: over some things yes
Compulsive? over some things yes
Anorexic? no
Suicidal? stupid way out no
Final questions
What are you listening to right now?: King of the Hill
What did you do yesterday: Went to Mcdonalds with Laure, Mall with her, Slept, Went shopping with my mom and to Quizno's and then to Kelly's
Hated someone in your family: No hate is a strong word
Gotten any awards: Yes
What car do you wish to have: Something nice...
Where do you want to get married: i wouldnt care for the most part as long as it was with someone i love
Who do you want to marry you: someone that loves me and i love them
Good driver: Yea
Good Singer: No but i still sing lol
Have a lava lamp: yea
How many remote controls are in your house: 5?
Are you double jointed: yes
What do you dream about: Aventurous things and people
Last time you showered: like two months ago to relax
The last movie you saw at the theatres: Corpse Bride with Kate and Laure
Scary or happy movies: BOTH
dark, white or regular chocolate: white
Root beer or Dr.Pepper: Root beer
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-o
Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
Skiing or Boarding: havnt done either
fall or winter: fall and winter
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearl: diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: Both
Sprite or 7up: Sprite
Orange juice or apple juice: Apple
Cats or dogs: Both
Coffee or tea: Tea
Phone or in person: In person
Are you Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: younger
Indoor or outdoor: Both
~Ok at work i always get some weird people who come in but some give me like pamplets about religion. They try to like force thier religion on me. I have a religion i believe in god. But do i not look like it bc this isnt the first time i have gotten one. Usually its a business card but this time it was a book. I am happy you found god and accept god but to push your religion unto others i dont agree with. I can see you wanting to help the person. If they look like their in need. I most definatly didn't look like I was in need I was working! Like with people who go door to door trying to convert you to their religion well if thye wanted to be your religion then they probally already would be. No offense. I dont think you should try to push something on someone when they dont want to accept it they should accept it on their own turf.. Gosh.. The few business cards i got before didnt bother me as much bc it was from this Pastor but this lady came through drive-tru had is wrapped in her money and she paid with exact change so she drove away quickly. I look up once i saw whatever she was handing me she just smiled and gunned it. i have even been given a green pepper while working.. but that is a different story. That is enough of my complaining...