don't even think that, ms. balcon. you know so much better than that. while you and i may not talk anymore, i still care about you. and you're wrong in thinking that no one else does. stacey, and everyone else. so don't feed me that bull. i know you better than that. not the same person i used to be..i don't even know who i am any all started back around the tme everyone went to hume...while everyone was finding themselves and God...i lost myself and God..well thats a whole nother story....and i have yet to regain anything...i have lost probably more during this summer then ever......but its all my fault...and i can only blame myself...ill get over it in how i always manage to get over it and at times still hount me....
you might not know who you are, but God does. and He hasn't forgotten about you. and no matter if you lost Him, He hasn't lost you. and i nkow that you hear this all the time, and you're prolly htinking 'this is nothing new. i've herad it all before.' i'm gonna say it again. and again. and again. until i'm blue in the face. (but not really, cause i don't wanna hold my breath that long.) but ill keep saying it. call if you need. you've got the number.
DONT EVER SAY YOUR FORGOTTEN SAMMI EVER BECUASE YOUR MY FRIEND AND YOUR SILLY AND I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET YOU!!!! If he's acting like that then he doesn't deserve to have you as a friend. I love you much!!! Call me we can hang out soon cause i finally dont have to babysitt!!
sammi's the bestest person in the whole world because she buys me stitch stuff (i found a use for my lilo bag) comes in handy at the gym i want be be just like sammi when i grow up (wait, i dont wannnnnaa grow up)
Comments 7
much luv sammi
thx u put a smile on my face
much luvs sams
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